Ocellaris fry - let's see what happens

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flugelnuss said:
What's up Ilham? When are you going to raise true percs? ;) Sorry.. had to throw that one in!


Ok, that was a good one ;) I'm working on it....i'd say estimated time...6 months..


Woodstock said:
Cool Elmo! Can't wait to see some pics. That's interesting that the ocellaris fry grow quicker than the GSM's considering the GSM's grow to be so much larger.

Actually, in the beginning Ocellaris fry are bigger than Clarkiis, but after metamorphosis, the Clarkiis grow quicker than the Ocellaris. I guess i need to break it up into: initial fry size upon Day 1 of hatching, growth after metamorphosis, and final adult size.


Hummm... very interesting. Are you keeping your notes straight? I hope so *hint* because that *hint* book *hint* you need to wright will need them....

Elmo, what are the best books to get on breeding clowns? Is that how you learned to do it? I want the first copy of your book. LOL, Mike
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mlawrencemsc said:
Elmo, what are the best books to get on breeding clowns? Is that how you learned to do it? I want the first copy of your book. LOL, Mike

Step aside Mike... ladies first! I get the first copy!! :D
mlawrencemsc said:
Elmo, what are the best books to get on breeding clowns? Is that how you learned to do it? I want the first copy of your book. LOL, Mike

Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson

In my opinion, no one book covers it all. Her book is great, though. Just browsing the boards will be a great source, as well.


As promised...Day 8 Ocellaris fry:


Another..of the same one.


About 3/4 of them have the first stripe. The rest haven't metamorphosized yet. Total of about 18-19 left from a possible 22.


Elmo18 said:
Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson

In my opinion, no one book covers it all. Her book is great, though. Just browsing the boards will be a great source, as well.



Thanks for the info on the book and the pics. I'm glad you said Clownfishes by JW because I have that book on order. Should be here tommorrow.
Elmo18 said:
Thanks for the kind words. I am seeing why the GSM's are really tough. It is amazing how much bigger the fry is now at day 6, than the GSM fry at the same day. I will post more in the workshop, so I won't say too much here.

I will say that all clown fry turn darker and probably black, as they grow and develop. This is all before metamorphosis.

I will try take a photo of metamorphosis if any make it through. I started from 21 I believe, and have about 19 left. I hope the next batch of eggs are a bit larger. They're such novices....still... I'll be on RF chat for a bit..and on again later.



Elmo where can I find the workshop?
Oh man Elmo! They are cute! I figured they'd look like tadpoles that young, but they have color and markings! Thanks for the pic...