Oh no my new Acro :(

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Well-known member
May 7, 2010
I just bought a new Acro today from the LFS....it was on a plastic frag plug, was encrusted all about the head of the plug really pretty branching Acro.

I was trying to cut of the point so that I can mount it on a rock in nice light and flow......the Acro broke into I dont know how many pieces. the base and frag and small branches , but larger trunk and other nicer branches broke off.
The rest incidently shot out the window I was near, 2 stories to the wood pile below. No idea where they ended up.

I am bummed my 1st real SPS and I screwed it up.
any chance the remianing bottom pieces with small branches intact, will Live?

Thanks for any advice
They should I had a nana tri color that did that when i was trying to get it off the ORA plug so I could mount it to the rock.
it should all live - make sure you hold on to each piece and remount it all on different plugs. You just fragged your new coral into several!
Dude that is not how you are supposed to acclimate them. Sorry to hear about ummm your misfortunate series of events. Hopefully you can glue them back onto your live rock
good to know on the piece I have remaining :) man it was a gorgeous Acro I cant find the biggest best part that flew out window.

I will for now on make the LFS get off plug if I need it removed
I wish....I went down and with a flash light tried to find the Frags that flew tru window slowly moving the wood around the pile...no luck :(....I'm left with the base and a single branch that looks possibly viable :)
oh no,,so sory to hear about that,,try again
i start al of my corals from a small frag,,some of them just 1/4" and become a good size colony,,,don't give up it will grow back,,cheer
I will, Im gonna give it a hell of a try to make this pieece live and thrive.....but now I want one to replace it, Im dying to have a nice LPS among my reef :)
A tip I heard for Acro is to mount the frag on a rock on a frag plug. As you found out removal of the plug is risky and not really appreciated. With a rock base you can do as you please when you are ready to mount permanently.
They should all live. Thats the good thing about sps.

Can you find it in the wood pile by sniffing around? Corals stink something awful when stressed.

Now you'll just have to wait longer to have a nice sized piece, but you should have many. Also, if some of them don't make it, you now have backups :)

Personally, I'd leave them on the frag plug for a bit so they are easy to move around your tank. That way you can find the best lighting/flow area for them. Once you find that, use a razor to get them off the plug, or just bust the stem of the plug and glue it down if it is nicely encrusted. I've actually got a few of these frag stations going, and really like them

That was what I was attempting...The Acro was so well encriusted on a black hard plastic plug that I was just trying to cut the pointy part that sticks into sand so I can mount flat on a rock I was looking to place it on.

Uhggggg I now cant stand plastic frag plugs...the ceramics so much better lOL
well, good news, the Miami Orchid Acro, that I so badly handled....is looking good and starting to really show growth again