Alot depends on whether you just want to grow stuff slow or if you are gong to turn it into a factory saint, know what I mean. Looking back, I found the receipt when I shipped you a bunch of stuff back in to good old that was when the only thing i had on my mind was growing it for profit. Now I have mellowed, and changed my thinking a bit, if you couldn't already tell that..................LOL
Only if you are really weird do you get excited over diatoms.
I honestly think it is just part of the cycle you are bound to go thru. JMHO
It was early 2006 cuz I lost everything that year in July. Wow, that almost brings tears to my eyes. Thank you, that brings back some good reef times.
Only if you are really weird do you get excited over diatoms.
I honestly think it is just part of the cycle you are bound to go thru. JMHO
I talked to them about submitting a plan about a month ago but haven't decided what I'm dong. But, They seemed nice folks and eager to help. Before I commit, I need to get a sample in hand so I can get a visual.
do they send out samples? i never got that far into it, just because i feel like i won't plan well enough and end up paying shipping 4 times, and still not having the right stuff
I talked to them about submitting a plan about a month ago but haven't decided what I'm dong. But, They seemed nice folks and eager to help. Before I commit, I need to get a sample in hand so I can get a visual.
do they send out samples? i never got that far into it, just because i feel like i won't plan well enough and end up paying shipping 4 times, and still not having the right stuff
Sorry Stacey Thought I had responded to this. I didn't ask them if they did. But, I would only be looking for a piece of scrap so I can try and get a visual. This Sat I'm temp hanging the lights with some rails from track lighting and the cables that came with them. I may just leave it like that if I decide not to use the canopy.