Oldsaint"s 300DD

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Looking good, you can for get away with 3, you could even go horizontal with the mounts couldn't you?
I could mount them length ways but I think I get more coverage this way. I'll have to revisit that.

Nice clean build. Love the rockscape!
Thank you. I went through several different design before I decided on this one.

why did you choose the mitras over radions? What kind of pumps are those?
At the time I purchased these, right after Dallas MACNA, they were the best out there. The Radions have come a log way since. I have 2 of them over my Elos 90g tank.
Yesterday I added some sand to the fug area in the sump. It's roughly 29 gals. The plan is to have this more of a marine planted display. I've always loved planted tanks especially marine. I'm still researching exactly what I'm planting, so I welcome any suggestions. Currently looking at C.Prolifera, Penicillus sp, Chaeto, blue ochtodes and a couple others. I really have no experience with any of them. But, I have been successful growing hair algae and bryopsis. lol

I saw an article in coral magazine where they were showing different types of display macro algae tanks. Even a which macro algae needs either low, medium, or high lighting also. The tank sizes were about the size of your fuge. I'll see if I can find the article. Oh I have a question for you on my build. I need your expert opinion.

Sent from my Reef using Tapatalk. Yeaaaaa Boi!!!
I'd be interested to hear your experience (once you have it) with blue ochtodes. I am thinking about giving it a try in my fuge. After trying C.Prolifera and having it go sexual multiple times, I'm still afraid of it.
Oh I have a question for you on my build. I need your expert opinion.

Far rom an expert opinion but I'll give you my best s.w.a.g.

I'd be interested to hear your experience (once you have it) with blue ochtodes. I am thinking about giving it a try in my fuge. After trying C.Prolifera and having it go sexual multiple times, I'm still afraid of it.

Hate to hear about your experience with C. prolifera. I've read it's kind of hit and miss, possibly having to do with light intensity. I might reconsider.
Hate to hear about your experience with C. prolifera. I've read it's kind of hit and miss, possibly having to do with light intensity. I might reconsider.

i heard alk related, but it could also be stock.. i mean there are probably 40 other types that are going to look exactly like it to a hobbyist. i have the grape both red and green now, and they've done well for me. (on the phone, so looking up the correct name would be a pain)
Finally added a couple fish. A Paracheilinus cyaneus and a Cirrhilabrus naokoae wrasse. Both are still very shy. I added them Wed and both dove in the same hole. Today is the first I've seen them out. Currently they are the only fish in there. I'm pretty sure once I get some community fish swimming around they'll be out more often. Hopefully they're out this weekend long enough to get a pic. They're very beautiful fish and their colors pop under the LEDs.
Wat fish? Lol

Looking forward to more updates. Clean plumbing and clean fuge
Lookin good!

Gotta.check out ur other.cpl.pages here.
Did u go with a sand bed in ur dt?
Yes I couldn't resist adding sand. Seems every tank I think about going BB but end up adding sand. lol

If I can get these guys to stay out longer than a few seconds I'll get a pic. I enticed them out last night with some live black worms and brine. But they only took a couple bites and then went right back in their hole.

The next addition will be 5-6 Bartlett Anthias. I'm temped to go get them but adding 8 fish over a few days is probably not a good idea.
Might draw the other ones out if they get curious, who knows.

That's what I was thinking. But, I am a little worried about adding them so quickly. Parameters have been pretty stable NO3 0 and PO4 .03.

But, It is a big volume of water, I have a big skimmer, and run a lot of carbon and gfo. Darn "buts" always complicating things. lol