One thing that bothers me. I know im picky

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2008
Alki Beach, Seattle
One thing about the site that bothers me is posting WTT and WTB in the livestock/equipment for sale forum.

I think there needs to be a barter room specifically for that.

I know this is kind of old but i had an idea, would you be able to make it so that you have to have at least 100 posts before you can post in the for sale area? Or if you can find some one that is willing to deal with just those forums so you guys don't have too?
I also like the idea of having a FT/WTB forum but i wouldn't want to see this site turn into another CL as well. But you can have in the rules that you are only allowed to post about fish related stuff and maybe add a special section for misc. stuff?

I see what your original intensions are but if there is room to grow why would that be bad if done right? Let reef frontiers be everything it can be! i think it would be a great goal to have reef frontiers be the best in every way, but its main thing is and i think still would be, and always will be its knowledge/information and what not.

All i use is the New posts section unless im going way back in the history of a forum to look for something, so i think it was great idea to not put the For sale posts in there!

Also another idea would be to do out with the for sale section, and just have a link to another local reef classifieds website is some one wants to start one?

Just some idea i thought i would put out there.
Also another idea would be to do out with the for sale section, and just have a link to another local reef classifieds website is some one wants to start one?

Someone already has started a local reef classified. NO one uses it. I personally like to come to RF and see what my friends are selling.
What im suggesting is that reef frontiers links directly too it instead of having there own classifieds. And then people will get the hint and go there on there own. Its all about word of mouth so if reef frontiers were to say use that instead of us and had that link there for like a year i think it would catch on.

Why would they use it if RF has there own? But if RF doesnt really want one andwants to stick to what they wanted then thats what i would suggest doing.

I understand what your saying. Think about it. Every reef forum has its own for sale section. Why would reef frontiers want to be less of a web site than the rest of the reefing web sites out there.
I personally like the "one stop shopping" or selling. I can bounce from thread to thread and communicate rather than jumping across the internet from site to site. Plus, since this site is mosly local. I know who is who and where alot of people live. It makes buying real convenient rather than dealing with strange usernames and anonymity from some new, different site. I'll go to CL if I want to deal with a place (that already exists) like that.

I was going to post a link to the other site. Reef classifieds, but apparently its gone due to lack of use.
I guess you don't see what i'm saying.

The suggestion was to keep it local....keep it fish/reef only with one section for misc. stuff..... And have someone monitor it unlike CL..... And have it something that RF would suggest using/let RF have its own classified site that way its not interfering with what THIS site was originally intended for so you get the same people from RF going to it, plus others. I can see in other forums how classifieds can take over there sites i wouldn't want that to happen here not just in reef forums but in others too.

Yes, every forum may have its own for sale section but if the mods are worried about it taking over what the site was intended to do, then i don't see why this wouldn't be a good suggestion IF done right.

Not to mention if the FS/FT/WTB had it own site and its own Mod then it would take some stress off the current mods backs, since they say that's ware the most trouble in. not to mention with one less thing for them to focus on they can focus more on what they intended this site to be about.

Just trying to make life easier. Again these are just ideas all idea have there ups and downs its just a matter of weighing the good and bad.

Sorry i like to argue trido! ;) Good points though. lol :D
Dont be sorry, sometimes I too, like a good debate.

Ha Ha I admit i have been defeated debate IS a better word to describe what i like to do! :D

Something i thought of that might be easier to understand if RF closed there for sale section people would have to go some ware else and if RF said "go here" i think people would. lol

Also the wonderful thing about people we are all different...... i always have 2-5 web sites open. Although a one stop shop would be nice i would rather have the site be kept what it was originally intended for.

Let me know if i am repeating myself i tend to do that!
I agree with Trido. And also would like to add I find the FS/FT/WTB ads informative in themselves. It allows for alot members on this fourm to actually meet, show off and discuss the trials and acomplishments of their displays during some of these Trades/Sales. I have not yet visited a members tank during one of these trades and not learned something. For me I learn alot from actually seeing these displays that have been talked about so much on these post. JMO
I know this is kind of old but i had an idea, would you be able to make it so that you have to have at least 100 posts before you can post in the for sale area?

I know alot of people that mostly just use this site to get information they shouldn't be able to sell something if they wanted to? I have been here for awhile, and I have always thought that it is fine the way it is. Maybe one day you will sell (or give) something to a WTB person, make a freind, and then if you need something down the road they might just have it.

New Sites are available feel free to Join Them. Find me an Informative site Locally That doesnt have a for sale/ Trade Forum. Last why would this Bug you?Theres plenty of other things on this site to not visit the sale/trade forums. Why Close them what positive would be done?. Start your own Site that would be a good option.
It does not bug me it would bug me if this site became a site that people only used to look at the for sale areas. I'm only pointing out that the mods wanted this to be a site for information, and if they ever feel it is getting over run by the for sale section there are option to fix that. This site could be made for just information if they wanted it to be and i was just throwing out ideas that might help keep it for just information.

I'm not saying don't have a for sale section at all i'm saying there are ways to avoid it from taking over THIS site and i was giving a couple ideas that might help if that were to ever happen. My whole point was they could direct people to a sister site made just for selling things bundle it all up into one area so it doesn't conflict with this site, so in a way it would still be a part of this site it would just have its own place.

Maybe i am just not able to make myself clear as to what i am trying to say. it might help if you read all of the posts.
I know alot of people that mostly just use this site to get information they shouldn't be able to sell something if they wanted to? I have been here for awhile, and I have always thought that it is fine the way it is. Maybe one day you will sell (or give) something to a WTB person, make a freind, and then if you need something down the road they might just have it.


Again i am not saying do away with the for sale section i am saying maybe making its own site would help it thrive and help keep RF what it was ment to be. I dont know if this is the right term but they could be sister sites? is that what they call it?
The problem with that is people don't listen to the rules, it takes too much governing as it is with what we have now, adding an affiliate would just add to the hassles & responsibility on our part, people join up just to access those areas. If what we have isn't sufficient then your welcome to start up your own site but attaching it to our site isn't going to happen. There are plenty of places like E-bay & Craig's list to sell stuff, it came close as it is on several occasions to just remove those forums completely. These forums take away from the purpose of this site, we're in no way a place to sell or trade anything.
I like the way these site is, ive only been here for some months and the way its setup is great! Information, helpful discussions, local reefers and a awesome thread for coral & equipment! The mods here are on point and i like how they handle situations[ if a thread gets out of hand deletion comes along] which i feel is a way to handle it! Pls dont make anything different about this site, RF is the ish!!!
That message i wrote was towards the comments as1720 wrote i believe theres no need to change the site the way your talkin freedom of speech is acceptable! sry if thats rude not tryin to come off that way this site is great im havin a blast you can pretty much say close to adiction LOL! I agree wit scooter!
Not sure what the "freedom of speech" means and not intended to upset anyone...but keep in mind that, when we agree to the TOS of a privately owned forum or website, "freedom of speech" does not exist. Privately owned forums or websites do not fall under, nor have to offer Constitutional freedoms. The rules that bind this forum are the TOS, not the Constitution.

These questions about the buy/sell forums have been hashed over several times here. Those forums are a convenience and added benefit of Reef Frontiers. As Chuck and Scooty have said, they are not what Reef Frontiers is about. They create work for the moderators and administrators and can become a nuisance. It's up to us to police ourselves, hopefully NOT in the threads, so that these forums remain available to us.