Options for flow

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May 16, 2006
Later this summer, I'm planning to upgrade from a 75g to a 180/200g tank with mostly SPS(yeah I know....anothe one of those upgrade posts). I'm doing initial research on best practice designs for setup and especially flow.

To be honest, I'm really not sure what to do for flow. There is soooo much information out there. I understand there is more than one way to skin a cat but; I'm seeking options for two major parts of the upgrade that I know I need to plan from the start because they can be difficult to change after initial setup. Those would be:

1. Overflow design
2. Flow

Things I'm sturggling with to understand are powerheads vs. closed loop flow designs. Also, internal vs external vs a boxless (?) overflows...

Just looking for some help to understand where to go with this upgrade.

If you consider the flow requirements of a 200gal SPS tank I would assume that some kind of closed loop would be all but required.

I could just see it now, (45) MJ1200s :lol:

In all seriousness, unless you want to spend $1500 on a 4x Tunze setup, I would suggest a CL for most (if not all) of your flow. Although it might not hurt to supplement that with a couple of Tunze streams (or the like) to be able to eliminate any dead spots.

I love the look (or lack there of) of a coast-to-coast external overflow. ;)
I 2nd the Coast-to-Coast External!!!! Wish my 180 had that, instead of the Dual corner overflows that are taking up realistate inside my tank!!!

As for flow options, I would recommend a closed loop for the largest portion of your flow concerns. A single larger pump will cost much less than several Tunze, and you won't have to figure out how to hide them in your tank.
i'm not really excited about diy'ing my own aquarium. Who makes a "coast to coast" overflow aquarium? Suggestions on places to look for aquariums?
I guess I have to 3rd your thread! An external overflow with a closed loop is the only way to go. I don't know about C to C, Montana to NY should be able to handle it! :razz: As long as your designing, to break up the flow on your closed loop you might want to consider a 3-way ball valve or an OM just for fun! Good luck with your design.
thanks for the suggestions. I'm still wondering where to look for a tank like this? I don't know the first place to even look.
There are a couple of sponsors that make tanks. IAP and Clear Fabrications. I don't know what they do about shipping but they should definitely be able to handle an external overflow. :)
I know that Brian @ IAP ("IAP Brian" here on Reef Frontiers) builds very nice tanks, and he has started doing the most amazing External Coast-to-Coast overflows on his tanks... would be worth sending him a PM for information!
So I'll probably go with a closed loop. Everyones in agreement with that.

So thinking further down this road....with a 180/200g tank, i'd probably want at least 3 or 4 holes for a closed loop. If I add an oceans motions to the mix, and put a good sized pump on the loop, should that be adaquate flow for an sps tank...considering return flow in as well?