Our 1st Reef Tank build ever - 70 gal AGA tall

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It's a Nikon D60 using the standard 18-55mm lens. We would be happy to have you guys over but we are in no way a teacher yet, just a student learning the ropes. Heck if you did come over you would be the first visitors to see the tank other than family :D.
oh yeah tank is 90 running now I am just waiting on a few things to come in from the mail then when I go to vegas I get my sps and chalice collection. and acclimate and qt them I everything in there from the 29 now I am taking the 29 done for the mean time.
Well I see we haven't updated for a while. Everything has been running great with only a few bumps in the road. Not may changes other than livestock and growth. Here are some updated pics:

First... a shot of what it looked like just 3 short months ago


And a FTS from tonight


Some Radio Active Dragon Eyes


Ziggy Stardust Monti


Some little zoo's and acans


Can you say Feather Dusters, lots of Feather Dusters...


Some more nice acans


Some new Rics


And our latest adds...







We are having fun and really enjoying watching everything change.
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Thanks Rob and Kirk.

Rob, We should come up some time with the camera and get some shots taken. It really just about a few key settings on the camera and the pictures become easy.

Kirk, We got it from Sarang (Roscoe) since he is shutting his system down. It is a piece that he got from CrashfireJoe a couple of years ago and grown it from a 50 cent piece size to this. Totally beautiful with it's green body, white tentacles and pink tips. I don't know the actual origin of it's ancestors though. From what we have heard this particular string is very hardy and one of the best to get in the area. We have our eye on another if the owner decides to sell it and it too has been well established for a while. Is there anything we should be wary of? I believe we have heard that the Australian ones can be very difficult to keep alive for long periods of time and I've never heard of Jarkita as an origin.
only reason I am asking is that Austrialian elegance are hardier and live longer than the Jarkita..

throw some LED actinic on that elegance and you will really see some color "pop".
Eric, the more common elegance you will see in stores are from jakarta as they are more common and cost less. but almost none survive. I've had 5 elegance corals over the years and i've never gotten a jakarta piece to last more than 2 months. My colony from crashfirejoe which his mother colony is an Aussie are much much hardier and mine is probably the hardiest coral in my tank. also if you feed them regularly they will grow FAST.

Hey Eric & Becca, you two have come a long way in this hobby in such a short time and your reef is really coming along nicely. Your well thought-out fish & coral selection is paying off and should be an inspiration to others getting thier feet wet in this hobby. I am really looking forward to getting down your way and seeing it in person.

Cheers to the both of you, Todd
Thanks everyone for the kind words. None of this would have even been thought of or possible without Reef Frontiers and it's amazing members. We have learned a lot for from very talented and knowledgeable people who we consider friends already. My dream used to be a 29 gal saltwater tank with a few fish, sand and plastic decorations. Nothing like what we have now. This is far and away better. Thank you again everyone for getting us hooked. We have already been looking at 180/210's but it will be a couple of years. Lots of time to plan. We will work on some more pics soon. Summer time is crazy around here.
Well we decided it is finally time to try out that new SWC Extreme Mini S Cone skimmer we won at the PSAS BBQ. Thanks to Todd's craftsmanship and experience we built a new sump tank that fit the new toy. Here it is in the driveway right before I filled it with water this morning to test it's ability to hold water. It passed with flying colors of course.


I will take more pics with the skimmer and during the change over of the old sump to this new one. We are probably going to be doing a few other upgrades at the same time.

Todd, I will get those pics of your tank all cropped up and over to you in the next few days. All this football takes a lot of the weekends up now :D. We will have to come up and take a few more as well with some different lighting in your tank to get some really cool colors popping.
Thank you for the Great corals and great advice. I found that Monti, and he seems to have survived the mishap. Somehow his bag had lost its water, so when i took the other corals out of the bag, i didnt see him at the bottom in an empty bag and tossed him. It wasnt until a few hrs later that i though crap did i throw him away?

haha, he has opened up a bit and is looking nice. Actually everything ha, thanks a ton.