Paul Hamby's Aquascaping 101 class...

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Ed Hahn

Life is A Highway...
Jan 27, 2004
Kennewick, Wa
First of all I want to say thanks to Paul, Ron Mc, Robert M, Nate and Colleen, Nacho and Carmen, Craig, and My Wife for busting arse all day.

Recently Friends got together to give me a awesome Birthday Gift. I had been neglecting my tank.
I owe all of you Big Time and look forward to getting some pay back in.

Here is first step.

Shut off power to Tank. Empty Animals, Rock, Fish into holding Tanks.
Have Wife get food and drinks with Buddys Wife...A must have.
Thank the Man above for giving some good people in world to help.

The canopy is not light so its a definitely plus to have a lot of people.
Here are a few pictures.

Here is my 300 gallon Tub available to friends as long as they bring it back in same shape. There was a work line going removing rock, cleaning rock with tooth brushes, water hose, brushes.
Kiddy Pools for corals and fish, shrimp

water from tank with powerhead and heaters in kiddy pools works wonders..
Tunzes cleaned with Muratic Acid, Mushroom Rock removed and put in Sun

Robert M went to town on My Tunzes. Mushroom rock was left in the sun to dry out mushrooms. Some of the rock was blasted with garden hose to remove algae, mushrooms. It does not take long for mushrooms to overtake a area in your tank.
Here is the results of some good friends working together...I OWE You ALL..

The results of more sand, My bacteria die off , over a 100 lbs of rock put my tank into a tumble for worst with corals. My water is clearing more and more daily. The fun part will be rebuilding such a cool Aquascaped tank. My Tank now has ledges for Tangs to sleep in, a Back wall aquascaped, a tower of rock around my overflow. I am very happy with results. Again, I thank the guy upstairs for having such wonderful, giving, thoughtful people sharing time to help me out.

Ed Hahn

Media reactor is still running, please pardon the hoses going down the tank.
Thanks Danno, Definitely a lot of Good Karma flowing from this one. This tank had so much coraline on the sides you could not see through it. It was a big box sitting in the corner. Now with the new Aquascaping, sides cleaned, pumps cleaned because of good people that share same interest, Its a fresh new start. I will post pictures when I get home. My son and I have looked at Rock work over and over. My wife is happy too..
Thanks Dang. Always good to hear from you my friend. I have to rebuild with Frags. I will be visiting all of you I am sure. I will try to take pictures today. I am not at home yet. Water is clearer.
Looking good Ed. Love that big bommie! I would offer you some frags the next time your over but I'm sure you already have whats in my tank. YOur more than welcome to come by and take a look though.
Thank you Duane and Deb for compliments. Its empty right now except for 4 Heniokus Butterflies and 3 clams from my brother. My brother got three 4 inch clams for $100 from a friend. There is a lot of good people giving gifts.
Here are a few pix today.

Those clams sure look happy Ed -- glad to see things are looking clear in there. Hope all continues to go well.

Wish I'd taken more photos... where'd the day go? :confused:

Sure appreciated Paul being willing to climb into the tank while I babysat the 'kiddie pool'. Here a couple photos of Paul in action... :cool:
Those clams sure look happy Ed -- glad to see things are looking clear in there. Hope all continues to go well.

Wish I'd taken more photos... where'd the day go? :confused:

Sure appreciated Paul being willing to climb into the tank while I babysat the 'kiddie pool'. Here a couple photos of Paul in action... :cool:

Colleen you were too busy cleaning to take pictures. You worked your hiney off.
I am glad you got the Aquascape Master on Cam. I was upset I did not take any of him in tank. Thank you very much!!

Where are those Tangs we talked about? If the tank has cycled, I want you to get some herbivores in there to keep the algae from taking over again. I remember when I met you like 5 years ago, and you had 7 large Tangs in your 90 gallon tank. They called it the "Tang Farm" if I'm not mistaken. It was spotless! It's time for "Farmer Ed" to round up a heard of Tangs. :)


Where are those Tangs we talked about? If the tank has cycled, I want you to get some herbivores in there to keep the algae from taking over again. I remember when I met you like 5 years ago, and you had 7 large Tangs in your 90 gallon tank. They called it the "Tang Farm" if I'm not mistaken. It was spotless! It's time for "Farmer Ed" to round up a heard of Tangs. :)


I am working on it. lol. I bought a powder brown from Spokane for $28 bucks. He did not make it home. My fault for stopping at Cabellas. Fish is guaranteed so working on it. Brother bought me a Naso yesterday at Petco. He was being picked on by Clown trigger and Dog face Puffer. We tried to save him. He did not make it. So I am working on it.
Hey Ed,

Good to see a new start!!!! Been there - take care.


Thank you Brian. I have a outbreak of Bryopsis right now.
There are several options I have to try to control it.

Like Paul said get more tangs.
Use ozone
Use UV sterilizer
Use Phosphate reactor, I just hooked this up again.
Snails and emerald crabs.
Working on keeping PH above 8.4 as much as possible.
getting more macro algae to compete for territory...Bob Fenner FE Algae vs Algae.
Feeding with rinsed whole foods.
checking TDS in RO/DI.

I am working on a Tang Farm again. ;)
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Two or three Rabbit Fish in addition to the Tang Farm may be needed. Orange Spot, Golden or Scribbled will all do the job eating that stuff. Your tank is certainly large enough to handle the extra fish.
Hay guys is that the tub that got hit by the semi truck :eek: ?. If so looks like no damage, thats one tough tub :D. Best of luck ED. Hope it all goes well.
PS I seem to see alot of pics with paul in peoples tanks. Whats up with that. Is he the RF buffer'er outter'er.
ED next trip over come by with a few coolers so I can fill them up for ya ;) ;).