Percula eggs

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Jul 11, 2008
Nine Mile Falls
Okay. So, I noticed this morning that my 2 false perculas were cleaning the rock underneath their anemonea, (seabae) and didnt really know what was up...then just now was checking them out and there is a BOAT LOAD of little orange eggs! what do I do? or just wait and see what becomes of them? My angle fish did this, raised them to fry and then ate them!:eek:
from there on out, they'd lay eggs in the evening, and by morning they were gone. I'm pretty excited about the percs, but not sure about all this either..any advice/help/opinions would be greatly welcomed.
If you want to attempt to raise them then I suggest buying Joyce Wilkersons clownfish book. It is a very intensive chore to raise them but can be done with great success. I have attempted with two batches so far and haven't had any survive past three days. If you just let them hatch then they are a great treat to your corals and other fish.
i have the above mentioned book and it is great. i would get the book and prepair the equipment to raise them. now that they are mating they sould be on a schedule of spawning every two weeks i think.
Well, I guess I'll just wait and see what happens. between study and work, I'm home a full 2 days a week, so there's no extra "reading" time. I'll let you know what happens. they're still there, and darker now....but I'm sure they wont become of anything.
have a wonderful day!

did any of them hatch?

yes, they did hatch as did the 2nd batch....but they met their demise. Either with the overflow, or the other fish in the tank. bumms me out, but nothing I can do about it. Other than get rid of my male. :doubt: