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maybe you are being too critical, this is a hobby for your enjoyment, so start enjoying.
well i officially lost it, i can home, after thinking about that red crap, and turned on the tank lights, got out my h.o.t. filter, hose, and turkey baster, and a towel... and went to war i tell you.... cleaned all the gravel i could get to, blasted all the rocks, sucked up all that was floating around, pieces of something where comeing off my back glass in sheets, reveling clean glass, i cleaned up my mess, my tools of the trade, and then it was lights out...might not have been the smartest thing i ever did, but i snaped..... :)
sounds good to me also, gotta start somewhere, all will be ok!
Now you just have to observe and be prepared for water changes if things start looking off. I think you did the right thing. Based on your description it sounds like you had a lot of detritus breaking down in the tank and fouling the water. this would drive your NO3 through the roof and fuel the algae.

Good job. Like rugie said...enjoy the hobby. It's supposed to bring you some satisfaction and enjoyment.
Green fuzzy stuff like hair? Maybe hair algae. Doesn't blow off all that well. Atleast mine never did. You'd have to scrub them off or have a tang prune it for you. Foxfaces are pretty good too. BTW...Nice banner(LOL) I see you finally got it working!
no! they are about equal, I suggest you not acquire any more animals until your tank is squared away. the new algae will retreat when the clean up efforts kick in, continued cleaning on a regular basis is in order. in that the red cyano and hair utilize the same nutrients it was inevitable you would get it. take heart all will be well if you are diligent. enjoy
Well, they will definatley go when the nutrients do because that's what fuels them. And no, I didn't mean for you to get a tang...You're grounded from fish at the moment by the RF members(LOL)
:) i know what you ment, so do i keep cleaning, like a mad man, or do another treatment of the phosphate binder, or.....i think i will lay off the treatment, and do cleanings and water changes with ro/di water and let nature take its course, looking into a coralife ro/di system, i think santa may bring me if iam good...
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Be good then(LOL) You know, I had the same trouble as you are having before and it won. I took down my whole tank around Feb and went back to fresh. I just set it up salt again in August. No matter what I did, I couldn't get rid of the algae and I couldn't stand seeing my tank like that. I did everything wrong from using regular tap water and using a wet/dry loaded with bio-balls. I tested the water coming right out of my tap that I was using and the nitrates didn't even read on my chart and it went up to 160ppm! I figured my rocks were so saturated in nitrates and phosphates, that I took it down and threw the rocks in the yard. 6 months later, I put some of those same rocks back in (which were now base rocks) and ordered some new ones to seed them and also got a few from my friends tank to do the same and so far, things seem to be going great. Now I''m not saying for you to do the samething, but maybe you can find out from some others more experienced than I am, if "cooking" your rock would be an option or like you said, just let it run i's course. Sometimes IMO, starting over, just seems like the best thing especially after learning things you wished you knew before. This way, you have the chance to do everything right and starting fresh may be a way for you to go...I'd wait to see what the others think of t that first though...I'm still learning here myself...
thats cool, i just cant stand it, if i cant found out the reson behind something that goes wrong, it drives my to madness, trust me it not along drive :)
I just saw this thread and it sound to me like your tank has become a bit out of hand. Personally, with only a few damsels and mushrooms I would call it a leason in impatience learned. If it was my tank I'd find homes for the few animals you have. Id remove the substrate, switch to either ssb or bb then do very large 100% water changes at minimum weekly for a few weeks. With in a month the tank will have cycled.
Nothing against you personally, but I think your just running into a brick wall. This tank can easily be restored in a month or two.

Hey man...Don's cool and very wise. Basically what I was saying, but like I said, still learning too so didn't want to suggest it out right. I did it (started pretty much over) and like I said again...Going great and lesson learned...If you need more convincing, wait until the others give their input...
daytona no more po4 stuff. you were provided with clear remedies along with step by step ways of carrying the remedies out, you had a problem accepting what was offered, you ran a poll that backed up the remedies then proceeded to do what you wanted anyway. now that is your right. It is your tank and your time and money. when you made your decision I/we backed you to give you to give you confidence even tho we did not agree with your decision. we did not want to force our will on you.
DonW has just posted what we had offered you early on. the cc is never going to be right ,it will be a constant problem, if you really want to get your tank together. do your tub thing or don's thing. you are beating a dead horse. the rocks can be washed in a bucket of tank water and a soft brush, swish them around good for a rinse. use the cc as suggested by me prior. use a ssb no more than 2" deep,1" to 1 1/2" will be fine if you use aragonite.
Lets not start bashing. The learning curve of this hobby is huge. Some will get lucky and get good info right from the start and other will get bad. Sometime stepping back a few steps is all that is needed.

Don , if you see my "last" post as bashing then perhaps you are not aware of the entire thread. there was no bashing intended and never will be from me. I was taking a firm stand on his behalf, he is causing himself a lot of undue grief, I realize what he is going thru and offered help, It may not fit your criteria but then I was replying to daytona not to you. lighten up, you offered good advice to him. your post to me is off base. please read the entire thread before making a derogatory remark ( but you are entitled to your opinion)
i didnt want to cause a problems, i just love know different options, i have jumped into things before, witout askings questions, and i paid the price for it,,,, thanks to all, for the advice, you have been great...iam just a person that thinks their is always another way :) i will take the advice and get this tank back on it feet,,,, i thought i knew alittle about this hobby, but its alot to take in.. iam learning... thanks