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this is a very bad atempt to show what i have for water flow, this will get alot of laughs :) View attachment 8919 i was thinking of leaving one where it is, and lowering the other one closer to the bottom to help with flow, the wave maker iam using alternates ever 2 sec. to something like this View attachment 8920
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YEA! the bottom diagram looks good. are you going to hard plumb or use powerheads?
Congrats on the BB choice...It's alot easier to take care of, so far! We'll see what the future brings, Jeff
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rugie said:
YEA! the bottom diagram looks good. are you going to hard plumb or use powerheads?
yes if this is a good idea, i will extend down one of my supply lines near the bottom, iam using a scwd current device with a 800gph pump, iam mod the current setup i was using....
if i use dowles in the rock, is their and giving hight the rock needs to be off the glass? i was thinking 1 -1-1/2'' or just a little for water flow....also while iam switching to bb should i cook the rock, or just scrub the worst ones, also is any waiting after i get the water ready, temp salt ect.. to putting everything back, when stwiching from cc to bb maybe i need steps to follow to make shure i do it right :) thanks for everyones patience...
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I have my rocks aquascaped directly in the middle of my tank. My fish have equal swimming space infront of and behing my rocks. Seems to be working great and is really easy to take care of that way. Best of luck!
1/2" elevation should suffice. save as much of your water as you can. do the rubbermaid tub thing for corals and fish, do not forget heaters and water movement in the tubs. do not bake the rock, scrub only those loaded with algae. rinse in tank water. a bucket of tank water to swish the rock in would work well, do it like a washing machine. do not let the rock be exposed to air for more than 5 min, when you put the rock into the bb tank it will start a shedding process and clean it's self. any water you have left should be used in tank. if you can get one of those dry onion web sacks, fill it half full of tank water rinsed cc, hang it in the tank till your rock takes over as your bio filter.then slowly remove about 1/2- 3/4 cup at a time over about 2-3 weeks till all is removed and your tank is weaned. you can run a filter for the next month or so till all
poopies are removed or digested. your tank will need to cycle again after this major overhaul so animals will need to wait till ammonia and nitrite are zero. the bag of cc will help the cycle. again YEA!
...and there you have it! Sounds good rugie! I've learned a lot from you since you've been here. You've got quite a bit of knowledge to share! Good job as well as all the others of course(LOL)
what about puting dowles on egg crate to get if off the bottom,to support the rock, or just dowle in the base rocks,,, also is the plan i have for water flow good or do i need to make changes, btw thanks to all.... this is what i just found fishermann posted
I have my whole reef sitting on black eggcrate except for the outside rocks which cover the edge of the eggcrate and those have pointed areas on them and that is where they sit on. The egg crate sits on 3/4 pvc legs that I cut a cross in one end and on a trim saw cut 2 45's on the other end so just 2 points are sitting on the tank bottom. I cut the legs about 2" long, so when you set the eggcrate into the legs it is about 1 1/2" off the bottom. I run a 1 1/2" spray bar acroos the back and blow all detritus forward, some of the heavier stuff I just vac out every couple days into a sock in the sump, takes about 5 mins.
I agree with MoJo that I thinf you need more flow.
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I do not envy you the job ahead ,but I would be excited at the prospect of a new and improved setup. the egg crate setup you outline sounds perfect you may want to make adjustments to your flow pattern after you are up and running, and yes! more flow is better it will mix the water well, plus the big payoff is that it will put/keep the detritus in suspension.
Just so you know how good flow is to have, DonW has 10,000 gph of flow in his tank and it's under 150 gal!
if 800gph pump may not be enough,any ideas on whats a good size pump, 48 gal tank, what about puting a spray bar on the under side of the egg crate pushing water flow out and under the rocks, into the water colum,alternating...
You also need to size your flow rate to what kind of corals and animals you are planning on keeping. Anemones do not like high flow and well keep moving to try and find a low flow area and wedge themselves in the rock knocking it over to get out of the high flow. In a large tank you have enough areas that are low flow for them to find an area, in a 48 it is not going to be happy with high flow. If you want to keep mostly softies and even LPS in a 48 they are not going to be happy with high flow. You can run the spry bar with plenty of flow so as to blow detritus forward to be siphoned out and won't bother things, but as for water movement within the tank over the reef I would not run high flow with the above set up as would be with SPS only. I have a SPS with a hammer and frog spawn and bubble and 3- 6100's tunze streams and I have the LPS tucked out of the way in the reef. I would put the spray bar on one pump and then figure out the in tank flow with another pump on its own system or powerheads. Hope this gives you some food for thought.
thanks, did you ck out my post with the bad drawings? the one on the bottom is something i was thinking about, any pics on your egg crate design,
I don't know how to post pics, Dr. Deano is going to come over next month and we are going to the Jan. meeting together and he is going to show me how. I just cut the egg crate to fit the floor of the tank leaving a border up front large enough to border the egg crate with LR pieces to hide it. I put the backside a little over the spraybar and left room from the back wall. You can make the back legs higher say 2" and then cut the front ones shorter so as to slope your reef say 1 1/4" high front legs. The only issue with that is you have to figure out the lengths of the in between legs from front to back. I left a border on the ends also and set LR pieces on the bottom like on the front to cover the ends. Try to find pieces of LR that have little legs or points that you can set on the bottom for borders so they let the flow through and still looks natural.
is that a bought spray bar, or did you make it,if you made it can you share detailes, i thought a piece of pipe the lengh the tank,cap the end and drill holes to direct water flow, under the egg crate, not sure on drill size to small it will plug up i would think....or even if that would work.... View attachment 8926 sorry for the free hand pics
Last edited: should have been an artist(LOL) Spray bars are cool, but from what I understand of them is they need periodical servicing so keep that in mind when you aquascape. You will need to be able to get to it, to clean out the holes etc. Probably will be best if it isn't glued in place but fitted snuggly so you can remove it to do this...Just a thought.
It may do the trick. What I normally do which may be a good suggestion for you would be to aquascape, set up your flow how you think it would work best and then after you get everything up and running, drop a few flakes or something into the water and observe it. See if the flakes (or whatever you use) ever stops anywhere. If it does, then that is a dead spot that would need attention. With my little bit of flow, if I drop anything in the tank, it never rests anywhere just keeps floating around until it is eaten or makes it to my overflow. Just a thought...