Poll: Who has had an anemone split??

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Poll: Who has had an anemone split??

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 75.7%
  • No

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • Currently Splitting

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not sure (Ban me please!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Seen a few threads pop up with anemones splitting so I figured, why not throw up a poll. I've personally never had one split on me although I didn't have one longer than probably 2-3 months. If you can, post:

-What type(s) of anemone(s) you had that did actually split in your tank.
-How long did it actually take for the split to be completed
-Did your anemone do anything unusual before the split (eg. move around)
-Are you aware of anything that may have initiated the split to take place
-If you've never had one split, list what type you have and how long have had it.

The info may be useful to some. :)
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-What type(s) of anemone(s) you had that did actually split in your tank.
Colonial RBTA

-How long did it actually take for the split to be completed
almost a week

-Did your anemone do anything unusual before the split (eg. move around)
Move around and then looks greyish in color, looks dead.

-Are you aware of anything that may have initiated the split to take place
Nothing in my case, but I do know any type of stress (ie, change in temp, salinity, pH,) will cause them to split.
During the split, the anemone will not have a orifice (mouth) so do not feed them.

-If you've never had one split, list what type you have and how long have had it.
I've had mine for almost 3 years, and has split 7 times.

Mine RBTAs are huge !!! 12-16 inch in diameter.

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-What type(s) of anemone(s) you had that did actually split in your tank.

RBTA, Large 12"-14" across

-How long did it actually take for the split to be completed

Overnight I think

-Did your anemone do anything unusual before the split (eg. move around)

Thought I saw a hole near its mouth a couple days before it happened

-Are you aware of anything that may have initiated the split to take place

Either moving it from my 55G to a 180G or a large water change (I think it was the water change)... also could be from lighting change of going from T5s (55g) to MH's (180g)
when i was on cruise i had 1 rbta when i got home 6 months later there were 6.

just 2 weeks ago my rbta split and just last night my gbta split
My RBTA got about 14 inches across before it split a while back, and it is almost that big again. I noticed over the course of a week or more that it had became kinda deformed and started to seperate. Hopefully he will divide again rather than getting bigger. It has stung a few corals recently because it gets huge.

Pretty sure it split just for natural reproduction because of size. I don't think I changed anything or stressed it out at all during the time when it divided.
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I've had an RBTA split, more time than I can count, over the past 5 years, though it hasn't split, in well over a year, now.
It would almost always split, at night, so I'm unsure how long it usually took. One time, I did see it, in the process of splitting and I believe it took about 4 hours or so.
Prior to splitting, it would "hide and divide."
At times, I believe the split was caused by a massive water change, or stress from inadequate lighting. Another time, the split was caused by the anemone actually being damaged, accidentally, as I tried to move a rock. Other times, I believe it split because it had reached a "critical mass" in size, for the tank it was in. The RBTA was in a 46 bowfront and would expand to touch front and back glass, 18".

This anemone first split, while in a 29, once. Then, after being moved to a 46 bowfront, it split about every 3 months. Once, it split into 3 pieces, which was really unusual. After being moved to the 200, it split once, shortly after the move, and hasn't split since.

As was mentioned above, once an anemone splits, it has no oral disc (mouth). If you feed your anemones, do not feed them, during this time. Once you see the mouth completely formed, you can begin feeding them again.

Of the several different species of anemones I've had, only the Bubble Tip has ever split.

I've had 2 Sebae, that never split, even when fairly stressed.
Good info everyone. I figured knowing what to expect when an anemone splits or even how common it is in captivity would be useful which is why I asked to post up a bit of info for the option you voted for.

I had an anemone twice. One I had for 2-3 months. Not sure which type it was but it was really white with purple tips. That one didn't split. The second was a similar anemone (more brown in color with purple tips) which was in my tank for maybe 2 days?? Definately didn't split. :)
I think you may be right Kirk. The first one I described was in my very first saltwater tank (90 gal) back in 2004. Now that you say Haitian anemone, I think that's what it was. The second one I had in my 38 gal and does look like what you posted. I know for sure I have a picture of the second one I had that was in my 38 gal. I'll try dig for the other one through an old thread because I know it is not in my album. Most likely though the pics in a thread from 2004 may be "X" out, but I'll see. :)
This is the only thing I could find on the anemone back in 2004 when I first started out. http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/f14/pics-my-90-gal-5759/. The first post has a few attachments where you can see the anemone on the right rockpile close to the top on the left. It was really white. Not really good pics though. You can see my OCD at it's best there with the rock work. I had to have two identical rock piles and I didn't stop till I made it work! :der:

Here's the other anemone in my 38 gal. Realized after I got it and it moved, that I didn't like the look of the tank with where he wanted to rest at so I took it out (OCD again). This shot was where I placed him when he first went into the tank.

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Mine has split 2X. Each time was overnight or when I wasn't looking. Pretty much woke up one morning and then there were 2. Gave away the splits to other RF members. Would be nice to see if they are still around and splitting as well.
I got my 1st nem 3 years ago and it was a GBTA, and my most recent one, My beautiful RBTA I got from Mopar Reefer I have had for little over a year now.
Neither have split.

On a side note tho, the RBTA got to around 12" across and decided to take a swim about 8 months ago, and got sucked threw my Hydor K4. he was in pieces but 1 solitary piece survived and it's back to about 8" across already :)
I bought a RBTA 10 years ago or so and it has split 10-11 times since. Usually takes 4-7 days for both sides to recover and they will usually grow to 16"+
Never noticed anything that would cause it to split.
I have had anemones almost as long as I have had saltwater (got my first bleached seabae when the tank was about 4 months-yes it survived and thrived). I have never had an anemone split, mostly have owned Seabae, LTA and Carpets. I have only had a bubble tip for a few months, first one I acquired I sold soon after. Currently I have a small bubble tip I acquired with some live rock (about the 1 1/2" around) that is recovering from bleaching so I am not sure on the color-I am hoping for green, I also have a seabae and carpet). From what I have seen I think the bubble tips are more likely to split than carpets, saebae or LTAs.
-What type(s) of anemone(s) you had that did actually split in your tank. RBTA
-How long did it actually take for the split to be completed. A couple of days
-Did your anemone do anything unusual before the split (eg. move around) It did move & go into hiding (it's split 3 times & done this each time)
-Are you aware of anything that may have initiated the split to take place Not really, I've heard stress but I don't think that was my cause
-If you've never had one split, list what type you have and how long have had it. I do have a purple corkscrew that has not split & it's about the size of a 38 Buick hub cap! I've had it about 3 years
I had my RBTA since 2004

Reached to at least 30 heads in 2007

Sold everything except one in 2007...

Reached 16 heads... sold 4.. now down to 12... I think...

My RBTA does not go bigger than 4-6 inches... they just keep splitting every time I water change... thats why I only do water change every 3 months... well thats what I observe and there is no scientific proof on what I claim....

I have a long-tentacled anemone that split several weeks ago. It wandered off into a cave for about a week and split off a baby about 1/4 the mother's size. Here's the odd thing though. The new baby anemone looks perfectly normal, but several of the mother's tentacles got oddly bloated, and one even corkscrewed. It doesn't really look like any of the bloated tentacles have gotten any less swollen - just the opposite has happened if anything. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Ideas as to why it might have happened?