Polyp super extention after Calcium, Strontium, iodine additive

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Dec 15, 2005
New Jersey
Twice weekly I add 15ml strontium, 15ml calcium cloride, 15ml calcium gluconate, 2.5ml iodine.(All follow manufactures recommendations:Seachem products.) I do this within minutes of each other. I've noticed within minutes after, my sarcophyton(leather) and hammer coral extend their polyps in an extreme fashion. The ends of the sarco's polyps spread very wide and then slowly retract back in. The hammer coral seems to fill it self and balloons up as if it is filling itself with water. Looks bloated. This only lasts about 15 minutes, Then back to normal. Any thoughts on what's happening here? Should I stop the additions? All other corals don't show any difference when I do this. All coral are very healthy. I have a 55gal. tank with total water volume with ref./sump 75gal. so I know I'm not over- dosing my Strontium, calcium and iodine. I dose calcium because my Kalkwasser supplement doesn't seem to get me over 375ppm cal. PH 8.2 Alk 12dkh


Tom C.
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Are you doing any water testing to make sure you need all that? The polyp extension could also be the sign of a stressed coral.:eek:
I think you are supposed to wait at least 30-60 min. in between dosing, and that is a minimum.
I have also been adding 1capful a week of stongbondium/molibedium if that's how you spell it and iodine and liquid calcium and coral vite but iodine every 4 days. water testing weekly..And have no coral or fish casulties in 2 years . So when i got my new tank and swapped everthing over i.I will continue this till it duz me wrong...Also use other kent marine products like essential elements and coral exxcel often usally after water change's ...I have heard ups and down's of doing this..They say u want pure water ...And shouldn't use additive's ...But they also told me I should use R>O Water and I have not done that... Still no Problem's ...
My only thought is that Leather Corals tend to consume lots of Iodide and possibly the polyp extension is the coral responding to the temporary influx of iodine and trying to absorb some. Just a guess.

Much Thanks,
Barry Katz
[email protected]
The calcium gluconate formula is probably using sugar as the carrier for the calcium. This would definatly explain great polyp extension. You can accomplish this with typicle table sygar.

I am no chemist by any means, but after talking to a Seachem sales rep my understanding is that Seachem's glucanate is not bioavalable as opposed to glucose, sugar. If it is available it would make sense that the coral was feeding on bacteria that were feeding on the glucanate.

Based on visible results with the Vodka method, I would have to say that I think the Seachem rep is right. If the Seachem glucanate was bioavailable we would see more bacterial film and strange outbrakes in tanks that use Seachem products.

Much Thanks,
[email protected]
My understanding is that some believe it to be only a food source. Its not supposed to be bioavailable to build the corals. Gluconate is made by fermenting pure glucose (sugar) then its acidity is neutralized. No matter what your going to have some sugar left behind after fementation.

Your right, I tried dosing seperate days to see the effects.
When I dosed Polygluconate within minutes the polyps extended and them curled up. My hammer balloned up and my xenia show similar effects. It doesn't seem to be bothering them? Still not sure If I should continue. I mainly dose gluconate for coraline growth which is somewhat week in my tank.

I know nothing at all about softies but I guess as long as your not keeping sps the extra pollution would not be a big deal.

Your dosing sugar so you are stimulating a chemical resonce from the corals. It shouldnt hurt them but might create a nutrient problem down the road.

yup, agreed on the sugars. There is also the issue of "irritation" by some corals that is a (mis-)perceived desirable polyp response to various supplements and foods whereby the polyps "puff then slough."

kindly, Anth-