Poor Unlucky Tang

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Hermit D Crab
Nov 20, 2003
My poor Blue Tang... It's either the dumbest fish alive or the most unlucky fish alive...

Some of you probably saw my lil blue tang with it's head stuck in a clam.. I'll repost the pic. The tang wonderfully survived and recovered fully only to have the latest problem happen..

After 3 days of not seeing the tang again I shined a light in it's usual sleeping place.. Sure enough it was STUCK!!! Somehow the tang was pinned by it's back fin.. I tried as much as I could to shift the rock but the tang didnt come out. Today it did and it looks like it just fought a war and lost :(

I'm really pulling for the lil guy but It doesnt look good. It's eating and swimming around but the wounds are terrible and I know the stress on the Tangs Osmoregulatory processes may prove too much. I'm debating trying to trap it and move it to a lower salinity but I also fear stressing it further..


Stuck Again...

ohh John, i'm really sorry to hear about your tang i think Dori is gotta watch out where she's going.
I really hope your tang makes it.
I'm pretty sure the rock shifted pinching it's tail fin and the other abrassions are from it's attempt to free itself.
I don't know John. Mine was so dumb it slept pinned in between the heater and the tank glass. I guess it didn't realize the difference between ooo that is warm and oh crap that's hot. Died a few days later. Dori aint the sharpest tool in the shed. Hope it pulls through for you.
My clowns do some of the same stupid tricks. They sleep with their tails thru the overflows, sometimes half their body goes in before they stop themselves.

Hope she makes it!!!!

Crazy fish

Hi John. I'm sorry about that :(

IMO...do not attempt to move the tang. Keep water quality up (and it probably is with those acros ;) ) and feed it what it likes best, doesn't have to be the very nutritious, just to get it eating first...if it isn't yet.

I would recommend the opposite of Elmo, and QT the fish. It will allow you to give the fish individualized attention and medication if necessary. Hyposalinity would be a benefit. Your tank is so large though, I don't know how easy it would be to catch her??

How many lives does one fish have anyway? Your tang is a thrill seeker!
How many lives does one fish have anyway? Your tang is a thrill seeker

we'll find out with Dori :p Nikki.
May be you should put a sign that says don't go in there and keep swimming just in case she forgets :D .
Let us know what happens John
NaH2O said:
I would recommend the opposite of Elmo, and QT the fish. It will allow you to give the fish individualized attention and medication if necessary. Hyposalinity would be a benefit.

IMO, more stress to an already ailing fish is disaster. Again just my opinion...and to each his/her own....fate.

It isnt easy to catch the right fish in my tank but the tangs are the easiest. The tang IS eating. TBH I am a little worried to try to QT the tang simply because I havent done it before. Obviously it isnt a complicated process but there are risks involved regardless..

I'm going to keep a close eye on it, and if I see any sign of the fish digressing I'll take some action..

Last night after lights out I shined the flashlight in it's "nook" and sure enough... she was sleeping there again..
Last night after lights out I shined the flashlight in it's "nook" and sure enough... she was sleeping there again..

ohh dood that's not good :( , i knew they suffer from short time memory loss, but woouu.
can't you put anything there to cover up the little "nook" where the fish wants to sleep.
"HI, i'm dori!"

Wow, poor thing. She looks real beat up. If she does pull through, what will you do to make sure this doesn't happen again?
alison said:
Wow, poor thing. She looks real beat up. If she does pull through, what will you do to make sure this doesn't happen again?

I've been thinking about going the counseling route. Someone she can talk to about being the smallest tang in the tank and always being called "Dori" like she's dumb.. :razz:

ok ok, if we make it outta the woods I'll probably fill the "nook" with epoxy. I hesitate to do that now because having to search for a new "safe area" could prove more stressful and I dont think it's likely the rock will pin her in again unless I move things around in the tank.
I've been thinking about going the counseling route. Someone she can talk to about being the smallest tang in the tank and always being called "Dori" like she's dumb..

Hey Dori is not dumb dood, she just can't remember anything.
i'll cross my fingers for you, then may be after all this is done, you can come up with an article on the luckyest fish alive :) .
Even if you choose not to QT the tang, I would definately get one set up just in case. If a bacterial infection developes, you will definately need one. Be sure you keep up on the water changes and fortified feedings.

The QT Tank is sound advice.

As far as foods go I completely agree. My fish are very well fed with fresh foods and not to brag but they are very nice specimens across the board. Otherwise this Tang wouldnt survive any of its Shinnanigans..