PSAS Bob Moore Frag Swap 2013

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Thank you PSAS for a Great Event. It's always Fun to see Fellow Reefers. Thank you to all of the Sponsors and everyone who helped to make this event so Successful :)
I can't thank everyone enough for making this a lot of fun for us to put on. Thanks to the sponsors who have always supported the local community, our friends from neighboring cities and states, the vendors coming in from out of state, and all of volunteers and hobbyists who were there to make this happen.

If anyone is wondering about the results of the raffles, all raffle items were claimed at the event. There are no unclaimed raffle items that will need to be picked up at OBD.

We've got a lot of cleaning up and organizing to do after the event. I'll post my pictures once I can get everything processed. If you've got any good pictures, we'd really love to see them.
Not to bad a swap. Was really happy to see there. Spent all my money with him and headed on out.

Few notes for next time.

Utilize space better. The huge area behind the check in table could have been used for a few of the tanks. Coldwaters tank and the club tank should have been in that area for sure. Would have cut down on the crowded sale tanks. Then you could have put the tanks that were in the middle of that space on the outside.

Maybe do the giveaway sooner? I know I would have liked to be in the giveaway but also wanted to get some good frags. So I came early and couldn't tie my entire day up to wait for the frag giveaway.

Good job and looking forward to the next one.
Thank you PSAS for a Great Event. It's always Fun to see Fellow Reefers. Thank you to all of the Sponsors and everyone who helped to make this event so Successful :)

Ditto, I didnt stay long but enjoyed seeing some old friends and seeing some new folks. It was a great event, Great job PSAS BOD!!!
Not to bad a swap. Was really happy to see there. Spent all my money with him and headed on out.

Few notes for next time.

Utilize space better. The huge area behind the check in table could have been used for a few of the tanks. Coldwaters tank and the club tank should have been in that area for sure. Would have cut down on the crowded sale tanks. Then you could have put the tanks that were in the middle of that space on the outside.

Maybe do the giveaway sooner? I know I would have liked to be in the giveaway but also wanted to get some good frags. So I came early and couldn't tie my entire day up to wait for the frag giveaway.

Good job and looking forward to the next one.

Cant have tanks on the dance floor so utilizing the space better is not an option.

If the free raffle is the most important part of a persons day then I would recommend that they show up near the end of the swap.

This was the biggest PSAS event I have ever seen and I was very impressed with the turn out. Great job volunteering all of your time PSAS BOD. Keep up the great work.
Wow, I can't belive the odds.... I won the rodi today, last week I bought the 300g from jess that came with a swc skimmer that HE won at the bob moore a few years ago....and a reeflow 2500gph that was also won at a bob moore swap by someone else. I guess it was destiny???
Wow, I can't belive the odds.... I won the rodi today, last week I bought the 300g from jess that came with a swc skimmer that HE won at the bob moore a few years ago....and a reeflow 2500gph that was also won at a bob moore swap by someone else. I guess it was destiny???

Yea just keep rubbing it in...... You lucky OSB!!!!

What a great event PSAS pulled off this year!!!!!
Thanks to all who helped make this a monster success!!!!
MANY thanks to everyone who put so much effort into the event. It was a lot of fun & I picked up some nice stuff for my tank.
"Boy, this is gonna be great", I didn't know that that phrase was going to have so much meaning. It was not only great, it was outstanding. I had so much fun and not just because I won a great prize. Being around so many great people and talking with all of the vendors was wonderful. Everyone who put this shindig together and to all of the vendors and worker bees, great job. Can't wait until next year, but I have to save my pennies. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I will put the new Reefkeeper controller from Digital Aquatics to work. Once again, thanks everyone. Next year everyone, TOGA!
Need more space! :) Especially people with kids like myself made it impossible to look around. A great event as always but it's going to keep getting bigger so I would consider another venue in the future. Maybe next year I just won't bring the kids lol...
This was the best score at the swap hands down.


haha jk :) I had a great time! it was nice to see old faces and meet new ones. Keep it up PSAS!
Thank you sponsors, organizers, coral raffle donaters, volunteers and hobbyists for making this one of the biggest Bob Moore events I have been too since the tradition started. My only suggestion for the future is of course more space if we can find it, and to start calling out raffle winners earlier. If there was a way for everyone to hear the announced numbers(Mic + cheap speakers), you could start calling the numbers earlier, which would help eliminate the giant line and make it so people could continue to browse corals at vendors.
Great event! I for one really enjoyed seeing that many reefers in one spot. I saw so many beautiful corals and great products. But of all the things I enjoyed. I was able to drive somewhere and buy Coldwater livestock in person. That's a first. And Wesley the fish is happy in his new home:)
Just want to say, the PSAS BOD, for being their first Bob Moore Frag Swap event, they did a heck of a great job with what they had to work with. It was extremely well organized IMO.
I think it was a little crowded, but I didn't hear anyone complain. It was a great event and a good time, good job everyone.
This was our first Bob Moore and I have to say we truely enjoyed it!! Thanks to the PSAS, vendors, local reefers, raffle donors for all that you did to make this event awesome!! Its always great to talk shop with all the other addicts!! We are a dang friendly group and we love to gab!!

Hey Nemcrazy was that the Garibaldi that came back to life!!! :) BTW loved your little set up you had!