Quick Lighting Question

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Jan 12, 2007
I was wondering if I purchased 2 light fixture with the dimensions of 12.5"W, 7.5"H, 16"L if that would be enough lighting to cover my 185g 48"L x 32"W x 28"H custom tank that I'm having built with stand and canopy. Or will I be falling way to short on the the light to cover the tank.

I must mention also that I plan on my Aquascape to be in the center of the tank set up like an Island with approximately 8" clearance from the front and back of the tank giving me approximately 16" to play with for rockwork. I don't know if any of this is making sense, but I could use some advise.
What type of corals are you planning on keeping? Are you planning on using metal Halides, fluorescents? Typically with a 4 foot tank I like two 250W MH lights with T5 supplements but what your budget wants may be different, and what your keeping, you may just want all fluorescents, it depends on what you want to keep & what you may want Later!;)
sorry scooter i'm planning on a mixed tank sps, lps, soft, calms, anenomes. I was also thinking 250w MH but I don't know if it will support what I want to keep.
Well that would cover anything you want to keep LOL, but I probably would want to go with two maybe three 250w MH & no way would I use a PC, you can do way better with VHO's or T5's! Your tank is 28" deep/high typically we say anything more than 24" deep go higher wattage but in your case I wouldn't because it is so close to that size, I would save cost on the utility bill & just keep your sps a tad higher on the rocks & would grow anything you want!

Just some thought
thanks, so with the dimensions of the light fixture you do believe 2 of those would be adequate for my tank, meaning it would but enough light in the entire tank though its the total length of the fixtures would be 32"?
I would defintly go with the 400W's if your doing a 28 inch high tank. What refelctors are you using? The dimensions are almost meaning less when comapred to the construction. I would go with a Coral vue L3 large or a lumen max. There are many other quality reflectors out there though.
Jezzeaepi, thank you as well for your help. I just thought if I had a 4 foot tank that I must at least get a close as possible if not right on the month close to the length of the tank for the lighting. I mean I'm sure you do but with the output that MH put out I was for sure or not.
You have to consider reflectors as how much coverage you will get with the mh ( I would consider LIII's) also If you have to consider PAR for penetrating depth, like the 10K XM, the fluorescents will be used to supplement any areas that you may be missing in a tank as wide as yours. I still would consider the 250's over the 400s & just move up the sps 4" or 6" in the rocks just because you can still cover a lot with them & have less power used & more so Heat which means more chilling power used but if you do keep certain clams they will need more light, without choosing certain ones you may want to go all out on the lighting, that is more of a personal choice. I see all the time people with 24" tanks using 250's mh but the lamps they use has very low PAR & they keep clams. One last thing, even with two 400's your typical Mh will cover 24"x24" area if your using a good reflector like the LIII, the smaller tighter reflectors cover less area, you get more of spot, you still will have areas with less light with the 400 watters. In short you can make either work and still be fine.
I agree with either the 250 or 400w halides. If you want to place high light demanding corals on the bottom of the tank, then you will have to go with the 400's at that depth otherwise you can do as Scooter recommended and place them a little higher (the corals) and they will be fine. As for reflectors/pendants, I think this is the one jezzeaepi suggested which is a nice pendant and actually one I would I had my eyes on for a while and would love to try on my next tank:)

great thanks everyone for the help. I will be going with 2 of the Lumen max 3reflectors.

One last thing I just thought of now that I have to place VHO's into the canopy for supplemental light I need to have them flush with the MH correct? Also will i need a reflector for them as well?
I wouldn't think them being flush is critical, but I'm not 100%.

Yes, you will need reflectors for the flourescents too.