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Anthony, what do you think of my plan to plumb my 30 gallon (BTA home) together with the sump that feeds my 120 mixed reef?

its not ideal, indeed... but certainly can be done and well enough if not not well. The key will be to compensate for the added mix. As others have often mentioned... ozone and carbon will be a tremendous help in this regard. FWIW, I dont think I'd likely use the shared water without ozone (+ ORP controller to meter it, carbon on effluent air and water) if I were in your shoes. A habit of larger and/or more frequent water changes will go a long way here too.

I thought it would be positive to increase the overall water volume for stability reasons and better skimming

Moot perhaps on the skimming advantage... but yes on the larger water volume assisting not only (aboviously) stability... but perhaps ameliorating the effects of allelpathy presuming you also have adequate water changes and chemical treatment of the water (back to ozone and carbon).

Is this a recipe for harmful chemical stimulation? Do you feel that the risk of harm would outweigh the benefits of bringing the 30 gallon tank into the larger system?

A risk as always with anything beyond monocolutures (and even then not necessarily a slam dunk without isogony/clones)... but undue risk or burden to you? No... I'm sure you can do this well. Just like a refugium. Well... 'tis a refugium I reckon: for your anemone(s) :)

Just be mindful, my friend, that with this or any crowd of cnids that you heed the advice of experienced folks preaching ad naseum (rightly so) for doing extra water changes and perhaps applying ozone for better results.
Just be mindful, my friend, that with this or any crowd of cnids that you heed the advice of experienced folks preaching ad naseum (rightly so) for doing extra water changes and perhaps applying ozone for better results.

thanks for your response, Anthony.

water changes more often than twice a month (10%)? Uggghhh...water changes are very stressful (for me). I hate the thought of weekly water changes. :| I will take this under consideration, though.
understood my friend... but if you have access to a drain (floor drain... tapping into a sink drain, etc) we can very easily set you up with automatic water changes (see the links/threads on the subject in my list of "Fav links" stickied atop this forum... look under "discussions" in the alphabetical list for this and much more)
automated water changes...that's the ticket. :) It's either that or some training by an efficiency expert. I could live without the bi-weekly panics: ("The sump is draining empty! I thought I turned the pump off!! Hurry--bring me saltwater NOW!!!)...that kind of thing. I suspect my husband could live without it too. :oops: