Really frustrated!!!!

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clown fish
Mar 11, 2007
hey everyone im really mad because I jsut bought a skimmer and so I went to cut a hole in my lid (plexi glass) for the skimmer and as i was doing it the whole thing cracked in half and now im really ticked off!!!!! so i need to go buy a new lid luckily its only about 5 dollars at my local hardware store but still!!! it jsut makes me mad!!! so does anyone know a way to cut plexi glass without cracking it?

Dont press so hard next go round, let the drill bit do the work. IF the bit isnt sharp.. it wont cut cleanly, and it will force you to press harder. Take your time.

Patience is a virtue! (and cheaper):lol:
Whenever i go to drill hoels in thin plastic i take a piece of acrylic bigger than the hole im drilling(1/4" thick or more depending on what exactly im drilling) and some weld on and bond the piece onto it. Works like a charm. Not only allows you to drill it safely without cracking it, but can give you enough meat to tap and thread some fittings into it watertight.
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(Depending on how big the hole is going to be)
I always have better luck using a small hole-saw or spade bit for drilling--they seem to "cut through" the plastic better (as opposed to "drill through" it)...
Is this a lid that covers the tank? You may not even need that? Aside from what was posted you need a fine tooth bit to drill or cut through plastics.
Was it acrylic or lexan.....? The two are totally different, especially when it comes to drilling. The thickness is also a factor.