Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2009
A little over a year ago, I sold all of the livestock in my tank for many reasons. My dad's cancer came back, my fiancé came home from Iraq, I got married, and I moved, thus I had no time for the tank. I LOVED my set up and I LOVED my critters. Originally, I started out with a 46 gallon bowfront. After a year off, I'm now 4 months pregnant, and my husband is deploying to Afghanistan in December so I've decided I need a hobby to enjoy while he's gone and to de-stress from being a stay-at-home single-for-a-year mom. I'm starting this thread to track the progress of my tank, and to show set-up from planning to running. I still have all of my equipment so setting everything up is just a matter of planning and patience. This time around, I'm starting off already knowing what I want, instead of hodge-podging everything together as I go.

Here's all my equipment:
29 Gallon Bio-Cube and Stand

Original Bio-Cube hood and bulbs. I love the 50/50 bulbs set up and the blue night LEDs. The hood is EXCELLENT at keeping evap to a minimum and keeping jumping fish in.

Tunze 9002

InTank by Steve T collection cup so you don't have to mod the hood to fit the skimmer.

InTank by Steve T Media Basket

InTank by Steve T fish guard fish saver

Theo Hydor 100 watt heater

5 watt underwater light for fuge in the media basket

My plan for livestock:

Clean up crew:
(I may cut back on some of the snails. Last set up, I had a lot of just a couple types of snails. I'd rather have just a few of lots of different kinds this time around. I really love the bumble bee snails! I had mexican turbos before, and they were fantastic at cleaning, but they are such bull-dozers that I think they are just too big for a nano. I'm on the fence about the crabs and peppermint shrimp. I had peppermints before because I had aptasia at one point and I'm not sure I really need them this time around. The crabs were a little too cantankerous and fought with each other and bothered the snails. I LOVED my skunk cleaner shrimp, and I think they were my favorite part of the entire tank. I loved sticking my hand in and getting free manicures, watching them dance, and watching them clean fish. My old ones would actually have babies every 8-11 days and it was so cool to watch them "give birth" at night and shake them all over the tank. The mandarin was pretty happy about it too. I may get an anemone shrimp for the ricordia.)

3 Blue Leg Hermit Crab
2 Electric Blue Hermit Crab
2 Peppermint Shrimp
4 Nassarius Snail
4 Astraea Snail
4 Margarita Snail
4 Cerith Snail
4 Super Tongan
4 Nassarius Snail
8 Bumble Bee Snail
4 Zebra Nerite Snail
2-3 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1-2 Anemone Shrimp

1 Ocellaris Clownfish with a very small RBTA (I plan on putting the RBTA in before any coral so it can find it's spot and I can place coral without worrying)

1 Purple Firefish Goby (I REALLY wanted one last time around, and I'm very excited to have one this time)

1 Pearly Jawfish (One of my favorite inhabitants last time around. I think I'm going to make him a tunnel with an entrance so hopefully he won't dig up under all the rock)

1 Sixline Wrasse (Had one before and liked him, but it's not a must have. He'll be added last if the tank seems like he'll work with it)

1 Green Mandarinfish (I was VERY successful with the one I had in this same tank last time around. I got him when he was VERY skinny and he plumped up really well. I will have a fuge in the back, and I will be adding pods to the tank often to make sure it's well fed. I will get the store to feed it frozen in front of me before I get it to make sure it will eat frozen too. My last one loved mysis shrimp)

I plan on keeping it simple and doing pretty much just zoas and ricordia with maybe a sunset monti, and setosa.

I'm going to do black sand again because I feel it made all the colors pop and it looks cleaner in the long run than white sand.
Once I have the sand, I'll be scouring craigslist and the classifieds here for LR. I think the pieces I had last time were just a little too large since they were originally in my 46 and I didn't think I would have a nano. I'll be looking for pieces that are a little smaller. I do plan on doing Live Rock, not dry, but I'm going to soak it like crazy to kill all the fireworms, flatworms, etc. I ended up with a flatworm problem last time since I just rinsed the rock instead of dosing it.

Here's pics of my equipment and my old set up:











Feel free to share advice!
I realize the mandarin in a nano is controversial, but I am confident I can keep one. At the first sign that it isn't doing well, I will not hesitate to take it back to the store. The animals' well-being comes FIRST!
This next week, I will be moving the tank from my mom's house to my apartment, and getting the sand. :)
Heyyyy welcome back! Make sure you come to the frag swap next weekend. We took a break too, and are finally back in. The tank is looking good!

Seth & Lisa
Welcome back Elly, I'm sure it will be even better this time around for you. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

Cheers, Todd
akunochi, the tank is still dry, but if it was ready, I'd come to the swap. Maybe next time! :)
So as of now I have my LR and the tank is up and cycling! The LR I got is gorgeous with lots of coraline and sponges. I think I'm going to have to remove some from the tank because I think I got just a little too much. The sand will be here on Wednesday and I'm really excited to see how well it really works. I went with CaribSea's Instant Aquarium Tahitian Moon Gravel which is basically what I had before, but I don't have to rinse this stuff (THANK GOD!!!). It comes packed with liquid in the bag and says it "contains living, water-purifying bacteria this gravel detoxifies metals, eliminates ammonia, neutralizes chlorine and chloramines and provides a slime coat for stressed fish. Instant Aquarium also reduces nitrates and nitrites". HOPEFULLY that means my cycle time will be cut way down.
Yesterday I picked up a HOT-pink RBTA (Bubbles) and a clownfish (MacGruber, my husband named him) that happily hosts in it as well as some green bay packers and dragon's breath zoas from JBJ28LED. Rothany was kind enough so send me home with some alpha and omega zoas and some other really cool unknown green zoas. All this livestock is currently residing in one of the tanks at Indoor Reef until my tank is ready for it. Later this week I am picking up some small frags of sunset monti, rainbow monti, and poker star monti so see how they do in my tank. I've heard SPS can do fine under T5s as long as they aren't too deep. We'll see... :)
So far, all my levels look good and I'm just waiting to see some algae blooms/growth. I got an Instant Ocean hydrometer which told me Saturday that my tank was at 1.030 and told me today it was at 1.020. I'm not really sure what to believe. Since there's nothing in the tank that cares about gravity other than some chaeto and amphipods, I'm not really worried about it at this point and I'll be having it tested when I get some copepods to seed the tank on Thursday.
It's looking so good so far!!!
Those buggers are pricey! Indoor Reef has one and tests water for free. I do a water change once a week so I have them check it often. As long as my hydrometer is close, or I know how much it's off by, I'm fine. My old one was off by a little and I knew to adjust. I don't know why this new one is screwy. It's said 1.020 the last 3 checks so I'm assuming that's right. We'll see on Thursday/Friday when I get the water tested. It's brand new so it should be working accurately....
Those buggers are pricey! Indoor Reef has one and tests water for free. I do a water change once a week so I have them check it often. As long as my hydrometer is close, or I know how much it's off by, I'm fine. My old one was off by a little and I knew to adjust. I don't know why this new one is screwy. It's said 1.020 the last 3 checks so I'm assuming that's right. We'll see on Thursday/Friday when I get the water tested. It's brand new so it should be working accurately....
1.020 is kind of low. BUmp it up to 1.026.
Yeah, Paul keeps the store water at 1.020 on the FOWLR side and that's what you get when you buy water there. I added a ton of salt to half the batch, but I guess I didn't add enough. I'll be adding more when my sand comes and I re-do the rock work.
Yeah, Paul keeps the store water at 1.020 on the FOWLR side and that's what you get when you buy water there. I added a ton of salt to half the batch, but I guess I didn't add enough. I'll be adding more when my sand comes and I re-do the rock work.

SOunds good,but if your getting water from the store at 1.020. Wouldn't you always have to add salt to get it to natural sea water levels?
Yes, I have to always add salt to get the level up. It's easier than starting with just pure RO water though. I only do a 305 gallon change a week anyway, so it's not that hard.
As promised, here are some pics. :)

These were taken with my phone, since my camera cord ran away, so sorry about the size and quality.

The (black) sand is being delivered today and I'm going to take out 2 pieces of (dead) rock. I feel like it's too crowded in there right now and there's nothing but rock in it yet.


Left Side

Right Side (the side I see when I sit on my couch)
Sand came in today and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it now that i took out 2 pieces of rock and the sand is in! I love it even more than the last set up!
Here's some pics.
Sorry it's a little cloudy. It's from the sand.


Left Side

Right Side

There's a little algae growth going on right now, but I take that as a sign that things are going as they should. There are also 3 small aptasia on one of the rocks, so peppermint shrimp will definitely be on my invert list. I think I'm going to get a couple of the hardier snails on my list on Sunday to start working on the algae.
I like it the black sand!

Thanks! It makes all the colors pop so much more than white sand, it discourages extra algae growth, and it stays cleaner/looks cleaner. I had black sand in my German Blue Ram tank too when I did freshwater. I don't think I'll ever have a tank with anything but black sand. I'm addicted to it. :) I must say, last time I used dry black sand by CaribSea and it literally took me 3 hours to rinse it. There was lots of @^#%$^ and my hands and nails were all chewed up. This time I went with the pre-rinsed sand that came packed in liquid that has bacteria in it. SOOOOO much better than dry!!!
Thanks! It makes all the colors pop so much more than white sand, it discourages extra algae growth, and it stays cleaner/looks cleaner. I had black sand in my German Blue Ram tank too when I did freshwater. I don't think I'll ever have a tank with anything but black sand. I'm addicted to it. :) I must say, last time I used dry black sand by CaribSea and it literally took me 3 hours to rinse it. There was lots of @^#%$^ and my hands and nails were all chewed up. This time I went with the pre-rinsed sand that came packed in liquid that has bacteria in it. SOOOOO much better than dry!!!

Hey Elly,

The black sand is awesome! Where did you get it and if you don't mind me asking how much did it cost?