I just got my frag rack in and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!!!!!! It's the PERFECT size for a 29 gallon, it's black so it won't grow algae, and it's made with REALLY strong magnets so frags won't fall. It's the N52 "v2" MAG Rack by Oceans Wonders. I got it from
Bulk Reef Supply. It's 9.5" long and 2.5" wide.
A few days ago I got 7 snails and 1 hermit to test the tank. They are doing great so today I got a bunch more snails, a couple more hermits, peppermint shrimps, and a couple small skunk cleaner shrimps. I also ordered all my fish.
My current inhabitants include:
3 blue leg hermit crabs
4 astraea snails
4 nassarius snails
10 zebra nerite snails (I LOVE them and handpicked the ones with the coolest/prettiest shells and they are SOOO active and great cleaners!)
2 peppermint shrimps (my husband named the large one Ricky Bobby because it does laps around the tank floor, in the wrong direction

2 small skunk cleaner shrimps
The inhabitants I ordered today:
1 electric blue leg hermit crab
6 bumble bee snails
Yellow-Headed Pearly Jawfish
Male Blue/Green Mandarin
Purple Firefish
Critters waiting for me already at Indoor Reef:
Female spot mandarin
Percula Clownfish
6 Line Wrasse
I know, it's a lot of pod eaters, but I will be adding tiger pods on a regular basis, and there were already a bunch crawling on the sand today.
I just looked at the tank and one of the peppermints molted already! :dance:
I also just ordered a Rio 6HF HyperFlow Pump to increase flow from 300gph to 350gph and hopefully decrease heat. The tank is running a little hotter than last time, and there are lots of micro-bubbles. The standard pump has given me some trouble before with just randomly stopping and the Rio got great reviews (other than being a little loud if placed wrong).
Salinity is at 1.025 now, maybe a little higher.
I'll post pics of the little eco-system tomorrow.