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PaulB could you take the time & give us some of the details of your tank, sump area, so you skim, whatever equipment you use, I know you have a reverse under-gravel filter, how exactly do you have your hooked up. I remember years ago I had a UGF with a power head sucking from it, these worked way better than trying to blow air bubbles down the center of a tube.
Scooty, The details are on here somewhere but I can do it again, no problem. I have no sump. They were not heard of when I started the tank. I use a 5' homemade venturi skimmer with 50mg/hr ozone. There is no controller or calcium reactor. I built a calcium reactor but have not hooked it up yet. The water intake is automatic and goes from a RO to a DI to a stirred kalk container then into the tank. That is all the equipment. and it is all homemade. The lighting is 300 watts MH lights (I had them left over when I lit up the outside of the Plaza Hotel in Manhatten) and 150 watts of PC actinic. The actinic is just at the water surface and the MH is about 8" high.
The reverse UG filter is run very slow, 50 gph down each tube. I know I am the only one doing this. My theory is that with such a slow flow anerobic bacteria will colonize spaces between the gravel, which is dolomite. The dolomite has been in there about 40 years, since it was a brackish tank. There is an algae trough above the water and to the rear that is the length of the tank and on an angle. There is a cement encrusted plastic screen at the bottom which can be rolled up to clean. Lighting for this is the main MH lights on the tank. It is at the rear and shields the back of the tank from light which I want to do anyway. The water is provided by the skimmer outflow.
The tubes from the UG filter were bent at the gravel line and all three come up at one rear corner of the tank. I did this so I could put one container over the water and pipe all three tubes into it. I use one powerhead to run it at 150 gph.
All of the rock I collected myself or I build from concrete, some of it is asphalt that I collect underwater in NY.
In the summer I collect NSW and in the winter I use ASW. I collect amphipods and other things under rocks on muddy beaches and dump it all in.
I really don't know what the answer is but my animals never get ich. I have been putting animals in there all those years from many different stores and they are fine. I feed all the animals with something I built, something like a large turkey baster. I feed frozen food and live blackworms that I feed Selcon. Most fish die of old age or I give them away if they get too large. Sometimes I treat NSW with bleach (but thats for another post)
I will try to put a picture up of the UG filter container and the algae trough. (these pictures are on here somewhere also.
Thats about it. Have a great day. It's snowing hard here and we are supposed to get a foot.

One is the algae trough, I built a nicer one since this prototype and the other one, the green thing next to the rusty fan is the container where the three UG tubes are connected to. You can just see the sponge filter sticking up on the powerhead to filter the water before it goes under the gravel (very important)
The last picture is one of my lettuce slugs. (elysia crispata) I had over 100 of these which grew in the tank
sryder said:
just curious guys as to the clownfish. could it be a red saddleback and not a fire or deeper red tomato.
NO its a fire clown that went thru its color morph when jueviniles the clown fish is orange with a purple spot near the tail as it grows the purple spot grows nearly taking over the hole fish besides fins and outer edges of body here is a photo of my adult fire clown after color morph that took about 3 years
Dabears, thats why I thought it was a flame hawkfish when it was young.
Thanks Paul, that trough is cool, I know you mentioned it but is that where water returns or drains off to something? Also on the Ozone, have you had this all these years & how much impact did it make on your tank? So the under gravel filter you pump sponge filtered water into it, thus the reverse flow right?
Thanks again, it is easier to get the big picture this way, Sorry, I just realized you have several pages I was overlooking the first.

Edit Well I did read it, I guess some of my questions may of been answered on other threads.
Scooty, the outflow or return water from the skimmer feeds the trough on one side. I think I always ran ozone, my first ozonizer I built but now I have a Sanders. I always had a skimmer too. I have built many models but I am very with this one. I don't know what impact the ozone has since I never ran it without one. The UG filter runs the way you said.
Take care.

Skimmer built by "Urchin Searchin Enterprise"
My company
I didn't mean the nutrients from the bottles going into the tank. I meant where the nutrients in the empty bottles ended up before they went into the tank empty... All your boating parties confirmed my suspicions. Your using the vodka process on youself and not your tank.....good to see it works both ways

Hawkyou are correct about some of the bottles, After all I can't use the bottles in my reef unless I empty them first :badgrin:
And it would be polluting to dump them into the sea.
About half of them are antiques that I found while diving around an Island in the Long Island Sound that was a big party place during prohibition. The rest, well, you know. :lol:

A lot of the bottles were "conditioned here.:badgrin:
paul, I think its realy neat that you have kept your tank up and running for so many years. Its realy amazing that you are still using technology from 35 years ago and your tank has thrived. with all of the new fangled gadgets, pumps, skimmers, reactors, lighting etc.... getting back to the basics seems to work well. we seem to forget what we did years ago for the new inventions and must have new toys. I myself used to use dolomite and crushed coral and never had problems with fish only tanks. now its chuck your sand bed because they are evil or will become that way. you on the other hand have had the same sand bed for 40 years. (mike s is now drooling.) keep up the great work and post more pics of that elusive clownfish. steve
Sryder, I guess there is nothing wrong with new technology but if you have a system that works you may as well keep it. My reef is not perfect, there are some creatures I can't keep for long. But after all this time I know what creatures they are and I don't buy them. Also tanks (mine anyway) go through cycles. Now I am in the gorgonian phase, they live well and grow. Some years I can't keep them to save my life. Also mushroom corals are growing like crazy, they were very small for years. Some things "bloom" for no apparent reason after being tiny for years. These things which are never taken into consideration is in my opinion one of the biggest problems in this hobby. We try to keep everything, but everything can not always be kept at all times and with certain other things. I have been diving for almost 40 years and I was fortunate to have visited many far off places. You do not find copperband butterflies or moorish Idols in the Caribbean, why? There are no sea fans in Tahiti, why? There are a lot of animals that are not in a lot of places, why? I don't know, and neither does anyone else. It is odd to me that in 30 million years a copperband butterfly could not migrate to the Caribbean, it is connected by an ocean and at one time those oceans were connected by shallow seas. Why do these animals not travel to where the temperature and salinity is the same? If we ever find out these things we will know the secret to keeping everything all the time.
What does this have to do with my old methods? I have no Idea but we have a foot of snow here and my snow blower broke a pulley so it's off with a shovel.
Sryder, you have a great day and thanks for the compliments.
this was my thought on the clown. it is a red saddleback tomato. looks realy similar
Syrder, now I am confused, it was easier when I looked at this fish for ten years and did not know what it was. Both of those fish have the same shape but it looks exactly like the top picture. I have many "old" books with pictures of fish, When I get the time I will look it up. Thanks for the research.
I got him. I looked up Fire clowns in one of my books from the early sixtees and it has a picture of a tomato clown. I know thats not it, so I really don't know what it is but a fire clown is a good as name as any.
Take care.
lol I just saw another site that said there is a red saddleback fire clown...go figure. what ever he is he is a realy nice looking clown. hey thats it.. hes a clown mayby elmo could tell us what it is?
new lights

Today I had to build some new light fixtures because the old PC fixture was kind of melted and warped. This time I built it out of vinyl with an aluminum reflector and I installed a fan to remove the hot air between the reflector and the plastic. The air coming out of it is 90 degrees. If I let that build up in there the fixture would warp in time.
Out of the other half of the vinyl fence post that the light is made out of I also re-built the algae trough. It is clean now, not much algae in there.
The large grew fixtures are MH lights that I had left over from lighting up the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan.
Today is typhoon day again. Since I have to feed this moorish Idol so much and because I have been adding so many amphipods I have to clean it out somehow. So today is diatom filter day again. The fish are having a ball and so am I.
I make a powerwasher attachment for the diatom and go through everything. Really cleans up nice.
I really don't know how you guys keep a reef without doing this once in a while. It is also natural too. Typhoons happen all the time in the South Pacific where a lot of your SPS corals come from and the Caribbean is no stranger to hurricanes.
And these storms really wreck havoc in shallow water. I dove in Jamaica a week or two after a large hurricaine and I couldn't believe the devestation. Brain corals the size of Volkswagons toppled over. But it recovers and regrows that way. Of course I am not saying to wreck your tank. A litle common sence.