Roscoe's 270g build

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Thanks guys! You know what that isn't a bad idea Jayson. As a matter of fact I think they would look awsome in your new 10g.:lol::lol:
Looks like your tang'd out!
How about the gold hippo tang on R2R!
Would look good in the 270:lol::lol::D!
Oh now you need like 50 small fish three tangs will be nice center pieces.
Lots of gobies and blennies
Maybe a cool jawfish...
Well you know in order for me to get the tangs out of the 40b. I had to take it apart. I didn't realize how much corals I have until they were all out of the tank! Any how I thought I would post some pics of the new aquascape of the 40b. I used the frag rack that Finn made for the back middle and built my rocks around it. It turned out looking really great. I really don't want to take this tank down but it looks like I'll have to at least by the end of summer or ealry fall.






Oh now you need like 50 small fish three tangs will be nice center pieces.
Lots of gobies and blennies
Maybe a cool jawfish...

The blue spot Jawfish is on mhy list of fish. I'll put one maybe 2 more big fish in the 270 and the rest will all be small to small medium type fishies.
Thanks Klye!! It is coming along nicely. I just need to get a calcium reactor or Kalk reactor on the 270 and then I can really start growing some shizzzzz.
you are going to love it once you transfer all those corals. You'll hear them say " to grow...finally"

Tank looks great man! The fish are cool. Nice mix. Keep em fed well. You need a nice fat eel in
you are going to love it once you transfer all those corals. You'll hear them say " to grow...finally"

Tank looks great man! The fish are cool. Nice mix. Keep em fed well. You need a nice fat eel in

Thanks Reed! I will pass on the eel. I use to have a 16'' fat snowflake eel a long long time ago and it liked to reaquascape often.
Looks nice Sarang. Your 40b looks too organized all of the sudden. I guess you'll have to slowly start transferring corals now.
Well hello and thanks there Duane! Yes the 40b is looking a lil organized. I acutally really like the new look:D. I am not planning to transfer anymore corals into the big tank until I have a calcium/kalk reactor on it. I have lost half a dozen or so acans in the big tank already and a small Cali Tort colony. All the acans were Aussies that died all my indo acans and chalice are doing good. I have some SPS in there that is doing OK. I plan on not moving any more corals until I take down the 40b around end of summer to early fall. hopefully I will have a calcium reactor by then. I really hate to let go of the 40b since it has been a very successfull tank for me.
Yeah they are happy in there. The Chevron just minds his own business and picks on the snails and rocks while the PB and Achilles is busy chasing each other around argueing about who is prettier:lol::lol:.
The blue spot Jawfish is on mhy list of fish. I'll put one maybe 2 more big fish in the 270 and the rest will all be small to small medium type fishies.
I forgot to tell you last time i talked to you!
QT has a bsj last time i was in there a week ago. I havent been there in months and he had one in good shape he was only askin 70 idk its probably gone tho!
Man I'm pretty amazed at how the tangs cleaned up my snail's shell of algea that was growing on them. I mean the algea that was growing on the snails were long and thick on some and now the shells are clean from algea as can be. I put the tangs in last sunday they did quick work.