Rose bubble anemone care

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Drink me
Jan 30, 2006
Redmond, WA
Hey gang,

I just purchased a rose bubble anemone from Barry down at Kahuna in Renton. A very nice specimen!

Anyway I've got him in my QT and I'm wondering how long I should leave him there? What kind of things should I be looking for? Does anyone dip anemones before putting them in the main tank?

I've never had one before so I'm hoping ya'll can give me some pointers.
No dipping. Does the QT have enough light? How old is the main? Be aware these things have a mind of their own and will move around until they find "their" spot.
That's awesome dood !!! :) .
Well i'm not sure if you have powerheads but if you do, don't forget to cover them with something so the anemone doesn't get stock in the powerhead and dies.
I know so far that they move quite often when they're new into a tank because they like to look for a spot they like, so probably is gonna move a little until it finds a spot, if you got corals make sure you are careful it doesn't go stinging them.
I'm not sure about quarantine, but i'm sure someone will be able to tell you, just one thing, if it gets attached to a rock in there, i'd just move the rock with it into your tank so it doesn't go looking for another spot, it could work or it might not.
Now don't dip the anemone in anything that could hurt the anemone and stress it, so i wouldn't do it.
Also don't forget you gotta feed your anemone once a week or sometimes it can go longer........ i know i always say frozen formula but i know some people will tell you krill, silverslide, there's also some food you can make for it.... just look for the thread.... what's in your munch and i'm sure you'll find what people like to use for fishes and inverts.
Thanks guys. I'd never heard of dipping an anemone either, just thought I'd ask.

The main display is about a month old so there's plenty of room to wander. The only thing in there to speak of is an oscellaris clownfish, a royal gramma, yellow goby, and a small xenia frag.

The QT has one 65W PC that I'm leaving on 8 hours per day. I hope that'll be enough to keep him happy while in isolation... which should be how long approximately? What sort of things should I be looking for? So far he looks healthy, fully extended, and is moving all over the QT trying to find the "happy spot". I'll have to post a picture, this one is a beauty.
I got one from Barry a little while ago.. It moved for about a week but now it's found it happy spot and hasn't moved for a couple weeks. I feed mine a 1/4" piece of raw/fozen shirmp from the grocery store every other day or so.. If you have any cleaner shrimp in there be prepared to fight them off. mine try to steal the raw shrimp from the RBTA. I fight mine off with a turkey baster, It takes a little while for the anonome to eat.

Key thing is don't try to move it unless it gets into danger, but let it wonder around a bit and it settle in nicely. once it's in a spot you like start feeding it there. once they start to get food you'll have a better chance of it not moving around anymore.
which should be how long approximately?

I'd just give it two weeks but someone might say different.
I never quarantined my LTA :p .... but i'm bad so i'm glad you did that :) .

What sort of things should I be looking for?

i dont' know what you mean by that :p .... if you mean in health.... you'll see it'll have sticky tenticles, the foot should attach to a rock since i believe they don't like sand.

If you mean in behaviour, i'm sure it'll be moving trying to find a spot where it can get light and flow.
James: IME that is to much food. Maybe that much once a week. I hardly ever feed mine. They can get stressed from to much food.
Well these are not the pictures I'd hoped to post. Got home today and the anemone looks to be in sorry shape. It was still stuck to the side of the wall, but I can't tell whether it's even alive anymore. The garage around the tank stinks, the skimmer was going nuts, the water is couldy, and he is fully retracted and slimy looking. After only two days in the QT...

Check out these pictures, what's your opinion?

View attachment 14378View attachment 14379

I can think of a few things...

- The temperature of the tank got up to 85 yesterday due to the heat. I've since put a fan on that's keeping the temperature down
- There is a hydnopora frag in the tank that I bought at the same time (out of the same system). I've heard these can release toxins?
- Maybe he just had a hard time getting acclimated?

This is too bad, it's such a nice anemone. The ironic thing is, he probably would have been fine in the main display, which is a much more stable environment. Guess I have some work to do on my QT.

Ok, so he's not dead. He's moved about an inch in the last hour. Still not looking too hot though. I'll do a big water change... not sure what else to try though.
wow, bummer pics. My first anenome died as well, though it was a much more gradual thing. Since they are kinda hard to keep, I always feel bad when one dies and think, especially for BTAs that it is nice to be able to acquire split specimen from another reefer.

Best of luck to you in the future. Could have been any of the 3 reasons, but probably 1 or 3. The hydnophora frag gives a wicked wicked sting, but usually more of a close range combatant.

There's also a powerhead in the tank. I guess it's possible he got stuck in it, but then I would have expected anemone soup in the tank.

Anyway, I did a 50% water change... will see if it helps. He's moving around at least, but not much, and is still retracted.
Sorry to hear that Slick. If it pulls through I'll be suprised, but sometimes you just never know with this things.
i think your anemone is very stressed and it can also be looking for light ( not sure if what type of lights they had at the store).
signs that it's dead.... floating in the water, not slime on the anemone, stinky tank and your water parameters to the roof :p .

My anemone is pretty strong i guess when it comes to temperature since my tank has gone up to 86 in the past few days:doubt: and it still looks the same.
have you tried putting a rock close to it.
If i was you and if you i'd be careful with the powerhead dood because if it decides to go for a ride, it can get stuck in your powerhead and then it's .... bye bye to the anemone (just put some sponge filters i think that's what they're called, to cover the suction cup of the powerhead)..... i've been there and my anemone got lucky.
I'll cross my fingers for you dood :oops: .
Thanks Gaby, I'll put the sponge on ASAP. I will also try throwing a rock in there.

The anemone didn't open up at all when the lights came on yesterday. I tested for ammonia/nitrite and there wasn't any, although the water was cloudy and smelling nasty (anemone puke?). I've got some more water mixing so I can change it again tonight if necessary.

I'm thinking that maybe not the temperature itself but the speed at which it dropped after I put the fan on could have done it. When I saw the tank was up to 85 I put the fan on before I went to bed. When I woke up the temperature was 78 and the heater had kicked on.

I'm heartened that he's still alive but it looks like he's still in for a tough fight ahead.
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Dang Brian it is looking a little sad. is that slime around the top? Can an anemone suffocate with that slime all over it?

Hope it comes around.

HI. Sorry to hear about your anemone. They do go thru a deflating period for a while after being introduced to a new tank, but it shouldn't last this long. Also, in your picture, the first one, if you look at the right side of the anemone, above the foot, you see the white stuff?? Not a good sign. My first anemone died as well, some are just doomed when they exit the water, and you probably got a bad specimen, if it went downhill that quickly. You should be PROUD you QT'ed cause if it dies in a display, it usually takes things down with it.

Sorry again, but if you can keep the water quality top notch, maybe it is strong enough to survive. Only time will tell. Also, they do like strong, intermittant water flow. I would look into getting a Rotating Hydor Water Deflector for that powerhead. It might help.
Yeah it's not looking good I agree. I'll keep up the water changes and hope for the best, not much else I can do. I can't toss him in the trash till I know he's dead for sure, so I will perform the ceremonial dance tonight and sacrifice one of my neighbor's goats. Perhaps the gods will be merciful and defer judgement day for my poor anemone.
ROFLOL!!:lol: At least you've kept a sense of humor about it all! I agree not throwing the anemone out till you know for sure. Maybe he's just adjusting. I'm sure you'll know by the weekend. I wish you luck, and can I please have a video of the ceremonial dance?? Please??:D
Yeah it's not looking good I agree. I'll keep up the water changes and hope for the best, not much else I can do. I can't toss him in the trash till I know he's dead for sure, so I will perform the ceremonial dance tonight and sacrifice one of my neighbor's goats. Perhaps the gods will be merciful and defer judgement day for my poor anemone.

LOL!!! i want a copy of that too :D .
I still have my bets that it's gonna survive .

By the way have you tried feeding it to see if it responds to that?
I will try feeding him tonight, although he looks like he's in no mood for a feast. I think I have some leftover sweet and sour prawns, maybe he likes Chinese food?