Rose bubble anemone care

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naww i was just asking because some people try feeding right away.
I'd try putting a rock close to it first and see if it wants to attach to the rock, i think that'd be better than being at the bottom.
Actually he won't stay off the sides of the tank. Speaking of which, should I peel him off and stick him on the bottom when doing a water change? Or is a short time above water not going to harm him when I drain the water? Seems best not to do anything to antaganize him, lest he seek his revenge upon me in the afterlife.
Best not to move him but being out of the water probably isn't a good thing either. I'd say see if you could get it to attach to something below the lowest water line during WC. It's a good sign though he's attaching to something even if it's not where you want it the moment.

How long did you take acclimating him/her to your Q-tank water? Since they are filled with water, you need to take an extremely long time in the acclimation process with them, or they tend to have negative reactions. Hopefully, this is what you are seeing now, and it is kinda in a "pouting" mode... and will come thru it all okay.

As for attempting to remove him when you do a water change... I wouldn't. Yes, him getting out of water is going to bring him some stress... but not nearly as much as you’re pulling him away from where he is attached.
I think I took about 1.5 hours for the acclimation procedure. Not long enough, maybe?

He was looking great for about a day. Hopefully he will perk up.
you acclimated for a good time, right now it's just stressed.
Try to do your water change very quick and dont' move it
That is not an anemone in "pouting mode". Pouting mode does not include the grey/tan fog of his tissue being distroyed through osmotic pressure bursting his cellwalls.

I cut RTBA's in pieces with sisscors, octoforcation from medium RTBA is my current best record. None of them die, none of them have the grey fog appear.

Sadly, I have only seen a couple come back from the sort of damage (far more damageing to the animal that anything a blade can do) you have done to him.

Unless you are the god of salinity matching, your waterchange likely was as damageing to him as anything. Keep in mind, when free floating salt crystals contact anemone tissue, it looks similar to what happens when a shotgun touches human tissue.

I cant really think of a better way to ensure death to be as certian with an RTBA than a Q-tank.

WTH do you think is going to be carried in an anemone that will be having any benifit from Q'ing? I wish I would have seen this thread sooner, what a waste of an animal.

To break this down for you, you have an animal with ruptured necrotizeing tissue all over. Its in a state where it critically needs energy to live, however it is way too damaged and drained of energy to consume/digest any solid food. Its starving right now, as it has been since bringing it home and bursting it. Its only chance at living is going to be getting into a very very healthly system, with some mild flow to clear away the dead tissue, and adquate lighting to provide it with the energy it needs to try repair itself. Also, glass requires anemones to expend much more energy to cling to its surface (something required for them to live). Essentially they have to remain flexed to try to hang on, where as the surface of rock enables them to fix down inside the cracks and pockets and use very little energy to stay in place.

Best odds of it living? Stick it where you should have put it in the first place. If your salinity of your display is different than your Q-tank, then its likely going to be a hopeless cause anyway, but some slow drip aclimation, and if possible under lighting that it can actually use to make energy to heal/live would be its best shot.

Now, in the future, perhaps thinking could benifit. Q-tanks for fish enableing a low salinity close to that of there own blood reduces the energy they need to expend in expelling salt, while the low salinity is often inadquate to support the life of the parasitic troublemakers that could be on them. Q-tanking species of coral to closely examen them for redbugs or nudieating flatworms, and performing procedures to kill/remove them has a purpose. I would love to hear what your goal/reasoning from Q-tanking an anemone is/was.
Sorry to see your anemone like that Brian...:doubt: I had one anemone in my lifetime (first ever saltwater setup) and I put him directly in the tank :shock: I put everything directly in my tank :shock: I don't even have a quarentine tank :oops: (LOL) Not sure what went wrong with yours...I see nothing wrong with you putting it in a quarantine tank. Infact, that's what we are all taught to do with our new additions. Not sure why "certain people" went off on you for it, but no worries man...You did the right thing and if not, you live and learn. Hope he pulls through for you:)
Brian, shoot me a PM.

I will help you there. Much easier for now via PMs than here....and all I keep are I have a little experience with them.

I agree a one month old tank is young for a anemone but I also think it is really windy in here. Opps gotta go my hat just blew off. :lol: Brian save your money for that DNA test.:p
AKA Brenden
Come on Elmo. Share the knowledge.:mad: I can read every other post.:)
Previously posted by Slickdonkey
I've got him in my QT and I'm wondering how long I should leave him there? What kind of things should I be looking for? Does anyone dip anemones before putting them in the main tank?

Previously posted by Slickdonkey
I've never had one before so I'm hoping ya'll can give me some pointers

Previously posted by Slickdonkey
I'd never heard of dipping an anemone either, just thought I'd ask.

Previously posted by Slickdonkey
I hope that'll be enough to keep him happy while in isolation... which should be how long approximately? What sort of things should I be looking for?

I wasn't going to say this, but what the heck...They way I look at things is it is obvious Brian is looking for help with his new addition which is why he started the thread to get feedback. IMO, there are ways to go about giving your opinion without saying it in a bad or negative way. We are all here to help one another out in a positive way. If not, then why post?? You'll get it sorted out Brian...I wish you the best:)

Brian save your money for that DNA test

ROFL! :lol: Don't go there man:p
How did you acclimate it? Odd that is is deteriating that fast. Your QT does not have enough light for a anemone.
Well said Krish

We are all new at things at one time or another. And this is the place for people to ask questions and get feedback. Constructive feedback is always the best kind. Aggressive feedback is not always the best kind.

Please let us help people here instead of driving people away. We are all about learning, and the best way for people to accept feedback is to be courteous when providing the feedback.

I hope you are finding the information useful that you have read and please keep posting your questions, that is what this place is for.
Krish do not let this go to your head. ;) I am sitting here trying to think back and I believe this is the first time you actually made any sense.:doubt: :p
Brenden said:
Come on Elmo. Share the knowledge.:mad: I can read every other post.:)

My point in not posting here isn't that i don't want to share. At this point, it seems that it would be beneficial if I can try to help via PMs rather than have messages back and forth with other posts in between....and so on.

Brian himself can post what we talked about if he wants, or maybe explain more.

Krish do not let this go to your head. I am sitting here trying to think back and I believe this is the first time you actually made any sense.

ROFL! Your still a newbie Brian and I have thousands of posts you've never seen;) Hey, maybe you should go back and read them all:p

My point in not posting here isn't that i don't want to share. At this point, it seems that it would be beneficial if I can try to help via PMs rather than have messages back and forth with other posts in between....and so on.

Brian himself can post what we talked about if he wants, or maybe explain more.


That would be cool if he shared it. I'm thinking on getting a small anemone when I can find one on a loose rock here and it would be good to know a bit more about them:)