Rose bubble anemone care

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hey what kindda movement we talking here? I hear you guys talking about them walking around and stuff, (im sure ill find outon my own sooner or later)

inch a hour, or in the morning its on the other side of the tank?

when i get one, what should i do, chuck em in? put em in the tank? let him sit in his bag to acclamate temp?

whats the story
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More like "morning it is on the other side of the tank" It just depends on if it finds a spot it likes or not. Some times they just let go and the current carries them where ever. I have had one disappear for days before then show up from a rock crevice 8 ft from where it originally was.

ROFL! Your still a newbie Brian and I have thousands of posts you've never seen
You only have a yr on me on this board but I do not need to be on this board to learn how to spot a BS'er:p
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Anenome help

I have experience alot of what you are seeing. First of all if this Anenome was just shipped in from over seas It will probably not survive with the color that it has. Rose Anenome need algae to feed on That it grows the color look. If it is looking white or pale this means that it has no more food left and is begining to digest itself. It will become smaller or simply erode away and die quickly. You need to suppliment feed with Planton and Formula 1. The planton contains an element that I cannot rememeber just right now; that is needed for building its skin...just like crabs and shrimp do.
Iodide is also needed in balance quantities. This along with placing it into a tank that has coraline algae growing well ( well established tank) will help it recover. I have successfull done this with two annenomies.

The Anenome should be place in bright light as soon as possible to help the recovery. Any delay will lead to death.

Place the anenmome near a rock that has a whole that is deep least 3 inches and has a 2 inch diameter. If you don't have one then use a piece of PVC pipe that is 4-6 inches long and buried in the sand all way to the bottom and leave the ends open. They like water flow and will tend to move toward it. Do not use direct water flow. Keeping the water fluctuating tends to keep their foot in one spot. Give plenty of room around them. The tenticles will sting and kill nearby coral.

The best reference I have found on Anenomies is found in " Clownfishes" by Joyce D. Wilkerson.
LOL!!! i leave for a moment we're already in the third page :lol: .
Well there's a saying in spanish that says...........mistakes make the master ... so i think that from our mistakes and experiences we learn :) .

Well like i said.... put a rock .....:p and if you have any frozen formula in your freezer i'd just may be try to cut a little piece and just try flying it around the anemone (without touching it of course) if it grabs it.... it's a very good sign because that means it has the slimi thingy in its body is there, but like i said before you don't have to right now if you see that it's getting worse.
Brenden said:
How did you acclimate it? Odd that is is deteriating that fast. Your QT does not have enough light for a anemone.

I acclimated by floating the bag in the QT for about 30 minutes to equalize the temperature, then added some of the QT water to the bag over the course of an hour.

Yes, he really went sour over the course of about 18 hours. I spoke with Ilham on the phone and he agrees it was probably the rapid temperature fluctuations that caused the problems. It was just bad timing that I happened to buy the poor guy on one of the hottest days of the year. The temperature in my QT had been stable for 3 months.

Anyway, some more things I will try as a result of my conversation with Ilham:
- Add another 65W PC. I thought I had an actinic lying around but it turns out I don't, so I will add another 10K bringing the total to 2x65W 10K PCs.

- Run some carbon in a canister filter to remove some of the junk from the water.

- Do a 15% water change

- Keep an eye on the pH and temperature (which should be under control now)

- Put a foam cover on my powerhead and cannister filter intakes

The anemone still is looking like he has a really bad hangover, but I'll give it my best shot.
Hey slick, let me know how that works for ya,

ill learn from what happens 2 you
He looks about the same this morning. Hasn't moved since last night and is still hanging on the side of the glass. I thought it best not to move him -- he probably knows which spot is best for him.

Thanks to everyone for all their help so far. I think I'm fighting a battle with little chance of success but I'm not giving up yet.
The anemone came to me in a vision last night. He claimed he was going to ensnare me in his tentacles and slowly digest me over the course of a thousand years if I don't fix this problem.

Ok, good news people, the anemone is looking better! :cool: Now instead of looking like he got run over by a Mack Truck it looks like maybe he got run over by a Prius instead.

Not out of the woods yet by any means, but I take any improvement as a good sign. He is puffed up much more than he was and no longer resembles a strawberry pancake.

Thanks to everyone for their help so far, especially you Ilham.

View attachment 14426View attachment 14427
best of luck, hope it recovers....

watch the tissue, if it starts to turn to "jelly" on ya (you'll know if you see it), that usually means it's on its way out and time to remove it...

Slickman, now the negative energy has dissapated it looks like the good vibes will win,sure looks better now, keep posting and best luck Steve