Salt Deal Tracker 2006

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Firm me up for 3 buckets, and I am near downtown, so blue sierra is probably closer.
The cutoff looms....are we going to order this? Not pushing...just curius ;)
CustomerService said:
Anyone interested in salt here is the breakdown:
Kent Marine 200g bucket $36.99
Instant Ocean 160g bucket $31.99
Oceanic 200g buckets $36.99
Coralife 150g buckets $29.99

Please let me know by Thursday Feb 2nd by 2pm

I can have it delivered for Friday to pick up in our Issaquah store location
IO and Oceanic have to be ordered in pallet qty 24
Coralife and Kent Marine can be ordered individually

Please let me know a tally ASAP and I will order Thursday

Blue Sierra Exotics
I have too many other project managers to appease! ;)

Here is the FINAL list. Everyone is on the Eastside so I will put the request into BlueSierra. It is important everyone follows through on their purchase commitment if we want to continue to get great offers from our local sponsors. I'll keep folks posted (not hrly :p )

48 total 160Gal I/O buckets
bc_slc 3
jlehigh 6
mower7 2
poorbob 4
aquariumdebacle 2
M&M 1
reedman 2
kcharm 1
spongeboblover 1
DonW 6
szidls 6
saltytemple 2
tomz 3
Last edited:
Just firmed up a deal with my distributor...I can get I/O for $28.99 a bucket thru the month of February, 30 bucket minimum. So if anyone on my side of the water wants this deal, let me know.
DonW said:
Is this a done deal?


I called BlueSierra and followed it up with an email to make sure the details are straight. I will let you know when I hear back from the store's manager..

Mario that is SWEET! If it didnt cost me 26.00 plus gas and half a day I would be there..
Salt Deal Order


I have ordered the 160g buckets of IO today(Wednesday) They will arrive to my location on Friday after 12 noon. I would prefer to have a list of e-mail addresses so I can e-mail a coupon to receive this special price. If that doesn't work then I will take the list of people and when you come into the store to purchase the salt you need to identify yourself by your user name that way we can make sure you get the correct price and don't have to pick-up salt a specific day.

I will post on Friday afternoon when the salt has arrived. Please provide me with a complete list or user names by Friday so I can brief my employees to avoid confusion. I ordered 60 buckets total so if anyone else wants buckets please let me know by Friday.

Blue Sierra Exotics
jlehigh said:
Hey Reed. Your PM box is full! As president, dont you have a secretary to keep that cleaned up? ;)

Yeah right! PM box is emptied out now...I forget about the sent items...happens at work too:rolleyes:
Colleen is picking up her 90 gal from ocean reef aquatics this weekend so we will be buying salt there.:)
Thanks, Scott