Scott's New/Old 150

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szidls said:
Yep it's Pukani LR Charlie. Yea I'm really glad to see some progress also. :)
Thanks for chimeing in Nikki. This DTS recovery is gonna drive me to drink.:D
Thanks all for the well wishes. Hey Elmo you know the door is always open.
Same for you Gabby. You don't even need to bring cookies..........but it never
On another note. Tank stocking.... This will be an sps tank primarily. I stated earlier that as far as fish go, the only "for sure" animals are a pair of tru-percs and a purple tang. I really want a Sohol but have decided there just won't be the swim room. As the tank matures, thinking of a Mandarin and possibly a school of Anthius. Any other suggestions?
Thanks, Scott

I wonder if it would hurt to talk to Adelaide about some pods? That way you would have a good population when you are ready for Mandarin. Mandarins demand a big population.
Great looking tank Scott! I stopped by to pick up the RO a few months back and it was just half full with water. I really like how large the rocks are, looks great. And I hear you on the electrical, we can only run one space heater when we have the tank lights on or we pop the fuse :)
Time for Update

Hey All,
I realized it's been quite a while since I have posted tank pics. I finally have a bit to show.The corals definately need to grow some more. Well after a bout with ich:evil:, I have the fish pretty much taken care of. So I hear the sirens of the tang police already.....Blue eye Kole, Purple, and "Nate" the Blond Naso. Thanks again Matt! Also I have a male Blue throat Trigger and a Royal Gamma. The only thing I might still consider is a flasher wrasse. Here's a few pics. Sorry for the crappy photography.:rolleyes:
Hi Scott.

I like that Monti cap....always a favorite coral of mine. Hmm...and that Echinophyllia.....I'd like a frag of that soooooon :p

nice tank man love the giant rocks you have there and the trigger. i bet you have all kinds of nice little critters in the holes of the rock. keep the pics coming
cool tank man...

cool trigger to, i think that my dad is going to get one of those for his 225.
yeah, rockwork is sweet in that Scott.. I love bigger rocks. Hey, couldn't help notice what looks like a pink body, blue tip mili.. is it? if yes, could I intice you to frag a bit of it for me????