Seattle aquarium water

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i would refer to a marine aquarium as something that is different then a Reef tank....

sorry to hear this matt....
yeah.. sorry man. Hopefully if nothing else, by sharing your experience you'll help channel some other folks that were considering into a better decision.
Maybe I'm lucky but I've been using the Seattle Aquarium water for at least a year now. All I do is heat it up and put it in.
Now I don't have an advanced reef with acros and such but I have 3 LPS and 5 fish. My fish have great color and are very happy and my corals look like they grow every day. I have corralline growth on the glass and rocks, but I also have some algae growth (who doesn't though).
I really like this water. It makes my life easy, I fill up my container after 8pm or so once a month and use a powerhead and heater to keep it for that time.
Too each his own but this post makes the water sound like oil, pesticide soup.
I just wanted to tell a good story about this stuff!
Like you said, your tank doesn't have anything delicate in terms of corals so you might be having better luck than others who do (SPS tanks). But remember, all it takes is the one time with a bad batch of water (could be due to excessive drain off from heavy rain or storm, etc...) and your tank is in deep shiiiiiite (literally at times)

Laziness is no excuse and not worth the risk to me but... Like you said to each his own :)
I ran 60 gallons of this water through my skimmer over night and it skimmed more then my reef skimmer does in a day! That water is dirty and is definatley not ran through as extencive of filtration as the aquarium states,

remind me to stay away from that.

Well if you're in PA then you're about 2,800 miles away from the it shouldn't be too hard for U to avoid! :razz:

But for those of us in zip 980XX--well.... we still hear (and have to resist) that siren's call of $.05 water ... :doubt:
I will be doing more tests/experiments on this water. I am thinking of building a large skimmer and getting a high power uv sterilizer and running the water through them both for atleast a week prior to use, but the thing is I wont be using it in my tank (until I am sure it is safe) I will be using it in my Dads less exotic reef...

The water that is sold is run through sand filters and UV and has not been represented as filtered any more than that.

~ Steve
I will be doing more tests/experiments on this water. I am thinking of building a large skimmer and getting a high power uv sterilizer and running the water through them both for atleast a week prior to use, but the thing is I wont be using it in my tank (until I am sure it is safe) I will be using it in my Dads less exotic reef...


I'm no expert--but won't a UV sterlizer only neutralize organic lifeforms like algea, bacteria, parasites etc.
(i.e. if the contaminant is phosophates, or heavy metals, or plain old "pollution"--would a UVsterlizer do anything to it?)

That's, of course, separate from the the issue of $$$....
isn't the cost of $.05 water + "a large skimmer" $$$ + "high power UV sterilizer" $$$ > the $$ for buckets of IO salt??? (at least for not-huge tanks)

I'm not trying to discourage you're experiements (in fact, since it's not my dime--I'd eagerly await the results) but just remember Mr Roger's advice on gambling:

"secret to survivin' is knowing what to throw away and knowing what to keep"
"You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em.
Know when to walk away, and know when to run."
Are we done beating the dead horse? :lol:

Matt let us know if you have any updates. ;)