Seattle to hot 90º this week

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Sea Otter
Jul 20, 2004
Bothell ,WA
Ok -you were warned -some of you will want to get some frozen rodi in the sump and turn off the lights early as it's gonna be a scorcher here for several days according to the weather people !!

Before I bought a chiller, I would freeze 1/2gallon and 1 gallon plastic containers of water and place them in my sump during the day. I also used a box fan blowing into the sump area.
Opening the canopy doors also helped.
Yes it is going too be scorching hot! I already got some frozen water bottles ready. My tank hasn't gotten over 82 degrees yet even though it is 90 degrees in the house. I use a small 8'' fan on my sump and that seems to help out alot.
I got the chiller hooked up but i need a bigger one :(
I will do the water bottle trick and I'm now shutting off the lights at noon
after starting them at 6 am
Over on our side of the mountains, we dealt with some searing temperatures for a few weeks. We spent a few weeks in the 90s, with one of those weeks in the upper 90s, recently. For those of you who don't run chillers, like myself, I'd take Finn's suggestions to open the doors to your stand and use fans!! During a couple of the hottest days, I placed a box fan, so it blew across the top of the sump. We also invested in a large AC unit for the house. 3 of our tanks were just fine, but our 75 reached critical high temps and we did lose some SPS because of it.
Fans everywhere lol if you don't have a chiller. I have a fan blowing across the 270 right now. The tank temp was 82degrees last night when I went to bed it is now back to the set temp of 78. Fans does wonders!
my tank is in the coolest part of the house, the garage, I have been fortunate that no chiller is needed.

normally, my tank is around 75-77 degrees, but has increased no higher than 81 (thanks to clip-on fan and attic fan to cool garage).
Im beginning to think we flipped coasts...We usually have the high 80 to mid 90's during the summer but not this year it's all rain...
We bought a window a/c unit for our house and keep it right around 74-75 in our living area and the tank stays right at 79-81. It was the a/c unit or a chiller and I'm very happy with my choice because I'm comfortable too lol.

We bought a window a/c unit for our house and keep it right around 74-75 in our living area and the tank stays right at 79-81. It was the a/c unit or a chiller and I'm very happy with my choice because I'm comfortable too lol.


ac costs less and you get to enjoy it too
ac costs less and you get to enjoy it too
I've been mulling that one over myself. I've got a window right next to the
aquarium, so I'm wondering if a window ac unit wouldn't be better than a chiller.
Came home from a five day camping trip today to find my tank at 85.5 F; hottest it's ever been, and I've got one coral on the way out because of it (I think). So far canopy and sump fans have kept the temp down around 81-82 on hot days but I guess having the house locked
up (windows closed) was too much for it.
Our house has been getting up to 80 degrees during the day. I suspect that it will climb higher this week. The 30-gallon SPS tank has been hitting 80 degrees according to the dual stage Ranco controller. I have a fan hooked up to the controller, but I wish it was a chiller instead.

The 30-gallon softie tank is located in a cooler room of the house and is lit by T5 lighting and gets up to 80 degrees. I am running a single stage Ranco on that tank with no fan yet. I may need to buy a clip on fan for that tank.

We are keeping the house closed up during the day with thte shades drawn and the windows closed. Later in the evening, we open the windows and run a couple fans to blow out the heat and to draw in some cooler air. At night, we run the fans to draw in cooler air to get it as cool as possible in the house overnight. Then we close the house up for the day and start the cycle over again.

I expect that I will be running shorter lighting cycles this week to deal with the heat. I am looking forward to buying a house and having a temperature controlled house with AC, or at least AC for the tank room.

Roscoe - 90 degrees in your house? Holy cow! How do you sleep at night?

I'm dreading the upcoming week, 3rd floor apt and I work nights so sleeping in the day is going to be horrible. Went to wal-mart looking for AC units good luck with that, not one to be had. Found a decent portable AC on craigslist drove 45min one way to be stood up b/c he already sold it and forgot to call me . So I stocked up on the water bottles and packed the freezer.

Currently the tank hangs around 84 have yet to loose any corals but we will see, fingers crossed. Good luck guys/gals with the heat!