Shark egg care....please help.

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As for tank size, just think as big as 2 sharks will need to swim and turn around in comfortably. Also keep in mind that a full grown shark may likely jump out of 24" of water if something spooks it. Taller is bettr, IMO.

72"(6') long x 48"(4') wide x 24"(2') tall is approximatley a 360 gallon aquarium
72"(6') long x 72"(6') wide x 24"(2') tall is approximately a 539 gallon aquarium

In my mind the larger of the 2 tank sizes will comfortable house 2 sharks. The smaller sized on would confortably house 1 shark.

Another way of thinking of it is this, if the largest shark is going to be say around 30", you should multiply this by around 3 and have a good safe sized number.

Also you should read the first page of the link Sid gave

"Many people don’t understand that most sharks need the width of the tank to be at least 75% of their body length if not more. Many “Show” tanks are not suitable for sharks because height is not a factor. I once had a conversation with Steven Pro. He told me this when I asked him how small of a tank a shark could be put in:
“I could stuff you in your closet; if I fed you and provided you with air and light you would live. But would you be happy?”—–Steven Pro."
The curator at the Rainforest Cafe may be of some help. As the are hatching and raising sharks.
Rainforest cafe? Thats like the chucky cheese for the 2000's. Always seems to me like they have these sterile overstocked tanks. how long have they succcessfuly kept sharks?
Rainforest cafe? Thats like the chucky cheese for the 2000's. Always seems to me like they have these sterile overstocked tanks. how long have they succcessfuly kept sharks?

They have successfully kept sharks for coming up on 5 years IIRC they also have a breeding colony that the big female pops out eggs every week to 2 weeks IIRC.

reeflogic: As per the opinion of steve the curator of the rainforest cafe, if they are just about the only things in the tank a 240 can be enough for a fullsize bamboo and a 180 for a marbled cat. The thing about the marbled cats is that they like to pack hunt according to steve and prefer to be in groups.

reeflogic: As per the opinion of steve the curator of the rainforest cafe, if they are just about the only things in the tank a 240 can be enough for a fullsize bamboo and a 180 for a marbled cat. The thing about the marbled cats is that they like to pack hunt according to steve and prefer to be in groups.


It can be done but it sure aint nice. Here is a video of a Adult banded catshark in a 210.
YouTube - Banded catshark
It can be done but it sure aint nice. Here is a video of a Adult banded catshark in a 210.
YouTube - Banded catshark

you're right brett, its really not. Personally I dont necessarily agree with that opinion of the bamboo I could see a marbled cat in a 240 as they are a much smaller shark. Personally I've always wanted to keep some but havent because to do it properly IMHO you would need a somewhat short (2.5-3ft tall) 450+gal tank. which when i'm capable of doing I would love to have 3-4 marbled cat sharks but that is down the road a ways.
it is videos like this that made us go to bigger tank in a very short future when we initially got the shark I felt educated from threads but recently realized that I wasn't really informed well on how fast they groww immediatly made contact and increased footprint of tank, which again is temp for about a year till we implement final housing which will only really be visable from the top with a limited (maybe 18 inches) front and side view.

The builder is a local guy. I have made several changes since the thread started and I have learned. First change was to how long they will be in the 3x3....only going to be for about 3 months, then we move into home is still being planned and will be determined when we decide if we are going to buy this house or move again. Either way we are basically going to dedicate a single garage to the sharks.
I already have been very frusterating with these sharks showing up as much as 2 months early....and feel like an ars everytime I feed this shark in the current 2x2 even though he is less than 8 inches. This tank is WAY to small unlike what I was told "will be fine for a few months"....more like 1 month. I am relattively ashamed of my what I see now as lack of research, even though I spent months doing research.....what can I say....there are a lot of myths and uninformed people out there who will give advise like they are informed. This is why it is so hard to keep sharks in an home environment. But I did get Mazuri 0524 tablets for vitamin supplements and I do NOT feed for everyone elses entertainment. I am feeding 2 to 3 times a week till the shark....and eel...are full. I feed with lights out so everything else in the tank is asleep to minimize interaction....I feel confident that while I am currently recovering from bad decisions I am doing the right thing and am minimizing the negative impacts on these specimens. I will not....I say again....I will NOT be one of those douche bags that puts one of the most magnificant animals in a bad enclosure and leave it with a life of suffering.
Well today is a birthday....what a miraculous event to "she" is (wife says its a girl)

Tonight we try to get her to eat when the other one feeds....let's see if we can avoid the eel getting bit anymore. Let me tell you guys....although they are small boy do their bites hurt.

Here is the purse....doesn't look much different....just minus the shark

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Thank you guys. Although I am very excited, I am also feeling very rushed. We got half the stand built....will be assembled in the house. Basically 2 stands being bolted together. We also got the bottom holes sealed. There were 2 used for the closed loop with previous owner.

In addition we picked up the remaining 4 1 inch bulkeads for the closed loop in the back which is getting capped for the time being.... and the 2 incher for the snapper that is going to handle the return. I am going with a Reef Octopus Dual 6 rated for a 300g in main sump and an additional Reef Octopus 4 in a slow moving compartment for additional skimming.

I also have a large canister filter of some sort that I am considering using for remote DSB or filling with carbon and GFO or something. Has a UV sterilizer built ontop with a Gen X 350 or something connected. I don't know which of these would be more benefitial. Carbon or RDSB......any thoughts?

Anyway fed the Marble tonight...and the eel...but only a small amount....was mostly taking a stab at the baby eating....he....sorry SHE showed a lot of interest but was a no go in the end.

So the final silverside count was.....

Marble Cat......10
Snowflake eel.....5
Serpant starfish 2
Banded bamboo....0

Oh.....but 1 for me....oh yeah son walked up and tried to push the stool out from under my feet....anyway I jumped and somehow half a silversider soaked in Mazuri....mmmm...landed right in my mouth.....I can STILL taste it.....its been 3 hours, I've eaten, drank, brushed my teeth....even listerine.....TWICE....and I still taste it.

Guess I will try again tomorrow or the following day. I will snap some pics in the morning of how far we got today. Was pretty busy and didn't really find time to snap many pics....OH....I learned something today.....apparently 2002 525i's....yeah their back seats don't go down. So when we hit home depot to buy a buttload of 2x4's.....yeah.....back seats don't go down....only in the SPORT WAGON! Took us half an hour to finally dig out the freaking owners manual to find this out.....AT home depot....with the wood on a cart behind my car and people everywhere...and I am stubborn so yeah we didn't leave it....but we did get a LOT of attention on the way home though. Horrible a pic of that though.

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Ok....snapped a couple progress pics

The stand so far with only half the top on.

Same from different angle

The other top piece....there is still a piece of plywood that is going on top of all of this

The bottom...or footprint of stand

Cap work in tank to seal holes


The canister filter....or RDSB depending on results from question in previous post....don't let this pic fool you....this thing is easily a couple gallons

The PCX 30 that runs it

The return pump

We also had to seal the 2 intake holes for the closed loop....did these from inside the overflow chambers
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Well we got the 2 halves bolted together today


Here it is with all pieces one...just before initial spray





Yes he can actually comfortably stand under the tank