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All are from Frags. My gallery has some more shots but I am not very good with a camera. The February Spokane reef meeting will be at my house, it looks much better in person.
Here are a few from the other night. I'm not happy with the color of the pics (it is more white in person) but you can kinda see how I re-build the left side of my reef over Christmas. More channels and islands in the design.
Nice to see everyone's tanks!!

Here's a couple of my tank from about 2 weeks ago. Of course, I've changed it a bit since this pics (sigh).
tankgirl said:
Nice to see everyone's tanks!!

Here's a couple of my tank from about 2 weeks ago. Of course, I've changed it a bit since this pics (sigh).

What a nice clean set up. I hope my new tank looks that good.
My 280

I thought I had my 280 posted here but didnt see it...

Anyway here is my 280 in wall which is LR and carrlaine heavy and Coral-light ;)

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Here is mine from 10/25/04. Unfortunately I was doing some "cleaning" and accidently destroyed the slimer in the upper left back. broke it into 4 pieces. (frags anyone? :D ) Also broke the hydnophora (front left). I grew them from small frags over the last year. Oh well, they will grow back.
tankgirl said:
Nice to see everyone's tanks!!

Here's a couple of my tank from about 2 weeks ago. Of course, I've changed it a bit since this pics (sigh).

Hey stranger how you been :)
Tank is awesome of course, it looks like your getting some great growth since the last time I saw it.
Great tanks everyone! Keep them coming - it is very inspiring.

TG - always so great to see you!
Hi Nick - Likewise! Good to see so many friends here.

Hi Cesar, it's got 3x 250W MHs (XM 10,000Ks) and 2x 165W Hamilton Super (or Ultra?) Actinics. Hence all that rock to get the sps up close enough to the lights. It's a 260G. barebottom. :)

Alberto, it was great to see the latest pics of your new beast!!

Hi Robert (Cheeks)! Hi Nikki!

Thanks, Angel :)

Great tanks, all!
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Hi Craig, Of Course I missed you! Wrasses are great! Where's your tank pic? :)
Well lookie here TG has come back and put the visit on us. Good to see you. Where ya been, and hows the taank??

I was going to wait until I had the cube up and running but with some delays in getting some of the parts it will be a little while before I even get water in it, so here is a few of my current 55 hex. Everything in there will be going in to the cube, I will only be adding a little more rock to make two island bommies in the cube to allow for plenty of growth for the SPS and lots of swim room for the Lionfish. Last shot is where I'm at with the cube, my sequence pump was due in today but there is a delay due to mechanical train problem? :shock:
My Little Tank!!

Ok, i guess ill post a pic of my modest 46BF (soon to be 75, have eveything set up just waiting for time to do the transfer :lol: ).