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You guys didn't know who 64ivy is. He entertains me for an hour at least 4 days a week and has a great reef also.
I have heard that line before but for the life of me I can't place it! I think it was a comedy spoof on someone but I can't remember. Any ideas?
Agreed. However, this oratorical pearl was also spoken IN ALL SERIOUSNESS by a semi prominent New York politician in response to a query that had nothing to do with race (i.e: "So how do ya think the Mets'll do this year?"). It has always impressed me as symptomatic of the times in that this man was so insecure with his positions that, in this case, he actually played 'the card' before the game was even dealt! But, so common these days that it's hardly even recognized..."as a woman"..."as a Christian",..."as someone who knows someone whose father was a smoker...(Hey, I just did a weeks worth of Oprah!)". Guess it just avoids all that time consuming exchange of opinions stuff.

A major pet peeve of mine, that's all. And, as a reefkeeper, I've probably gone OT far too much already. So, more tanks shots please. :)
Here is my tank pic from today. The tank will be torn down and moved this saturday. Hopefully that will go well.

Well I bought a house. I do have plans to upgrade soon. I have the perfect spot for a recessed into the wall 180 w/ the sump and frag system and as big as I want skimmer in the basement!