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Ok.... here is my 4 yr old digital camera... Olympus C-3020 :(


and a macro shot...

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Ok here are some pics of a 150 that I have been maintaining for one year now. Please excuse, I did not get the live rock or have any consultation on the stand and canopy design. I had to make do with what I had to work with. The last pic is when I was asked to take it over and had one just started with it. Many changes have been made. When I took it over it had just a bunch of dying mushrooms and some very sick and dying fish. Also the only filtration was a marineland biowheel wet dry plastic sump filter and nothing else. I wish I had a photo but I dont want to rember it. Steve
It's been a while since I posted some here's my red bug infested tank...maybe they aren't so bad after all ;)
Reed, your tank is looking great. That tri-color poking up in that third picture there is a prime feeding ground for them red bugs. Is it crawling with them? If not, you probably aren't too bad off with a red bug problem.
Chuck, That's the coral that is hit the worst. I hit it with a PH every once in a while and run a 5 micron sock. I think this filters out some of the bugs, but I don't know. Even with the bugs all over it, I have full polyp extension at night and the color is fine. I also have an acro crab in the colony, so they obviously don't do anything to remove the bugs.

Charlie, thanks. It's a work in progress, but definitely going in a direction I like.
Thanks Cesar. I'm running 2 250W XM 10Ks and 2 VHO actinics. I'm tempted to go to 14Ks next time though, but that is lighting for ya.
Hey Reed.
Maybe we have the same setup. 2x250 PFO standard w/ 2x36 VHO actinics.
But my bulbs right now are Ushio 10K and Catalina 20k. To be honest, I love the color of the catalina 20k. Its like a 14K, not too blue and with a touch of red on it. The color rendition is amazing. Too bad that I cannot find any spectral analysis done by sanjay about it.... Probably its too cheap to make study on.... he he he he

Anyways, when you did change your bulb to 14k, can I borrow yur 10kXM to see what it looks like on mine... Im thingking of going 14K EVC or 15K XM since on my ballast, 15K does well compared to 20k.
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Tank is about 90% acropora with about 4 montipora and one euphylia.

48" 60gal
29gal sump (~20gal water)
Euroreef 6-2+ skimmer
mag 9.5 powering 4-way return
Iwaki rlt100 on 8-way closed loop

2X ReefOptix III
PFO DUAL 250watt HQI Ballast
DE Hamilton 250watt 14K
No other supplimental lighting

Female Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis (in tank)
Famele Genicanthus melanospilus (in tank)
Male Genicanthus melanospilus (looking for healthy male)
* Gramma melacara (coming in soon to QT)

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There are SOME fish Craig, however few. I usually take a VERY long time stocking my tanks. Often not adding the first fish for atleast 4-5 months. There are two fish in the tank currently and the other two should be coming along in the next 2-3 months.

Macbeth417 said:
I usually take a VERY long time stocking my tanks. Often not adding the first fish for atleast 4-5 months. There are two fish in the tank currently and the other two should be coming along in the next 2-3 months.

Very sound animal husbandry practices! Glad to know another go slow and let it grow advocate! :)
Very nice Erik.

Glad to know another go slow and let it grow advocate!
Craig, everything in my tank started as a frag. I love to see them develop and change shape and color. It's more fun and fulfilling that way.
My tanks Latest..


I'm not sure why the image tag isn't workign correctly...


Edit, fixed the image for had capitolized the img tags as opposed to lowercase....Looks great BTW...

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