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The new 150gal. Frag system is connected by a 100+ gal sump to the 100gal Cube. 350gal. total No sand anywhere!
right on Paul its nice to see the cube back up and running. Hows it running so far? looks pretty good from the pictures

The rock cleaned up nicely, I scraped off almost all of the buttons and shrooms. The corals have been in place for 1-3 weeks now and are showing growth already. I'm psyched. i'm still adjusting the basic water parameters ie. trying to get the calcium level up to where it should be. The best sign of all is that the remaining nuisance algaes are melting away. (In the Frag System) My guess is that I'm starving them out. With no sand it takes all of 3 minutes two or three times a week to siphon off the detritus.

After battling my problems for over a year it feels good to have them whopped! I can finally enjoy this hobby again.

Nice job Paul. I know you had to deal with lots of adversity this year with the power failure and all. Guess we will be down this weekend sometime to see the new and improved cube.
Kudos again!...........Scott&Colleen
Wow very nice cube Paul! That has me going since I have a new cube 60 gallon tank and after tearing down my 3 year old 80 gallon tank I am getting antsy to get going!:)
Fragman - When you say they're connected does that mean..

Just wast flows in and out of all of them or that fish can move from one area to the other..

I'm trying to figure out for my next house how to do a room with a in wall tank on the living room side, a tank in the wall on the hallway side, and then have a tank on the third wall in the master bedroom.. I'd love to have them all connected in a manner that would allow fish to go all arround....
What I have is a common sump for both systems. Your idea is real interesting. In large systems fish set up real teritories and defend them even more than is small footprint tanks. Mojoreef has been trying to get a small clown tang out of his system for 6 months now. He owns half of the 16 ft run and chases around everone including a Vlamingi tang that is 5 times his size (14 inches)
What happened to the tank before Paul? We had one of the club meetings over at your place. Where / what happened to those coral colonies?

- Ilham

A lot of them perished in the aftermath of the 3-day power outage. I was without a generator for the first 20 hours. I had a massive die-off event, fish corals... I lost at least 25 to 30 percent of my corals. I had survivors of most species but many medium and large colonies had to be fraged. After the disaster above the Nuisance algae went wild and overgrew the rock and many corals. I fought it for months before I decided that the sand bed had to go. I tore the cube down and cured the rock in the dark for 5 weeks.

About a month ago before the cube was set up my 4 year old grandson dumped nearly 2lbs of Golden Pearls into my sump. He just wanted to feed the fish like PAPA. That took two weeks to clean up and guess what the Nuisance algae took off again , this time in the frag system. I added phosphate remover two weeks ago and it is doing the trick. The Bryopsis is just sort of melting away. The fish that do eat it never could completely eliminate it. Besides I lost many of them and was looking at having to buy more.

Anyway lets just say I had a rough 6 months. It feels good to be back on track. I can almost watch the corals grow on a daily basis. Give me 4-6 months and the stuff will be growing out to the glass again! And you know what that means, FRAGS BABY!
Your tank is already looking great Paul. I just wasn't sure what happened to your corals, which was why I asked. I remembered that power outtage. I was glad that my area still held power. I'm glad you're back so we can get more frags @_@ .

I'm really liking cube tanks now, next tank may have to be a cube.

- Ilham
well you asked for it ;)

first is the tank from a while ago, not to long after i went through a pwr outage :( lost all of the acros and a few softies


this is a bit more up to date, still not the best, and not a new pic either, but the scaping looks about the same, i cant get a pic right now, i have had a few problems (another story) and i have some carbon filters running (on the front of the tank) and i am starting over again ;)

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the left side.

just over a year old. still has a lot of growing to do. i like to grow from frags or small colonies.

Boy, all i can say is i'm left with my mouth open, your tanks are wonderful, i can sure take a lesson from all of you.