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thanks for the comments...not as spectacular as some of your tanks, but I'm proud of my little frankenstein monster softie/LPS tank so far....

mojo....that "jucky" stuff is the reason I'm anxiously awaiting the results of your CPW tests... :lol:

Here's a couple of mine...


Very nice and love that Blueface Angel what size is your tank?
Here is my now adult Emperor Angel pic.
That Emperator is Bad to the bone. It was very hard to choose, between it the blue face, or a queen. I have a queen in quar. for a customer. I want it so bad. Oh, well excuse for a new tank in little while. Mines a 75 gal. I Know its small but upgrades are the plan. I want a 265g. Or I can always sell out of my tank and hook up on new stuff, when I get the urge. Thanks alot for looking at my baby. It makes me feel good. Steve
The Blueface Angels are more forgiving than the Emperor when it comes down to feeding and water Quality my will get LL if not feed algae and sponges everyday but the blueface will not, it will live with no problems with just pellets, frozen and flake food. :)
Here the same Emperor Angel when was Juv.
Zoom you did good. Most people are not able to take a Imp. from juvie to adult without serious loss of color and size. Great job. Where do you get your sponge for feeding? I want some but dont know where. I just usually keep a red ball in the tank for angels and when They want it they eat it. Kinda expensive. Steve
I know Hikari(sp) has a frozen food that is made for angels and it has 3 or 4 differents sponges in it. I used it to raise my emperorangel from small to large.There is another but im not sure who produces it. If I can find out i will post it.

wrightme43 said:
Zoom you did good. Most people are not able to take a Imp. from juvie to adult without serious loss of color and size. Great job. Where do you get your sponge for feeding? I want some but dont know where. I just usually keep a red ball in the tank for angels and when They want it they eat it. Kinda expensive. Steve
My LFS get some in some times but i feed Ocean nutrition Angel frozen formula that have sponge.
But my loves Ocean nutrition formula two pellets :)
here is the new tank i just set up :)

was kinda empty, but not now, :)

Excellent tanks everybody....some of those are just spectacular....

Zoom....I'm curious, how does the Emperator behave in the reef? do you have problems with him nipping at corals or anything like that?

MikeS said:
Excellent tanks everybody....some of those are just spectacular....

Zoom....I'm curious, how does the Emperator behave in the reef? do you have problems with him nipping at corals or anything like that?

No not a problem with this one I know it likes open brains so I don't have any.
I put my Juv Emperor in a small reef tank for six months and try different corals with it if it nips the corals and clams it goes back to the LFS and I try a different one till I get a good one :badgrin:i keep it in the small 90G tank and when the fish is ready I take the change .
It will be very difficult to get that fish out of the 200G reef tank so I take my time. :)