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Thanks you all. I love me some corals.
Charlie I wanna see yours from when you set it up.

i don't think Charlie is brave enough (we might see some old bones covered up with sand from willis :D)
i don't think Charlie is brave enough (we might see some old bones covered up with sand from willis )

LMBO! You're on a roll tonight! Let me guess, you didn't have stir fry:lol:
you know this pregnancy is way different, the past 2 days have been horrible because i cannot even get on the car because i puke :p , BUT
i've been having mexican for the past 2 weeks i think and i'm loving it !!!
Tomorrow morning i'm sending my husband to go get some tamales for the superbowl :D .
From this....


to this SPS dominated tank....


then I got more of the clownfish bug...and wanted to phase out of SPS for a bit...and give the pair in the tank more 'room'...and as a result...this...


Will go back to another tank....hopefully soooon..

- Ilham
wwouuu dood that's awesome !!!
please don't tell me you just used to do water changes in there or still doing water changes:eek: because then i'm gonna feel really really tiny.
skimerwhisperer said:
Ilham, your tank(s) is awesome!! LOVE the little acro version, may i ask what you had on that tank in equipment?
and what size is that tank?

27 gals 18x18x21" tall, MAG 7 return through the overflow, Stockman pipe in overflow, return in the top-left side as you're viewing the tank, closed-loop run via an Iwaki MD20rlxt in through a 1.5" drain, output to two 3/4" bulkheads, one on either side of the overflow.

12 gallon food-safe grade bin for sump, 55W 6700Kelvin PC bulb on reverse lighting, Chaeto, Razor, grape caulerpa for export in sump, flat piece of acrylic placed in sump to baffle residual bubbles coming from tank down to sump.

Lighting is 250W SE XM10k run on ARO Electronic ballast, 1x32W 03Actinic on only when MH is off, and only one hour before MH comes on, and one hour after MH goes off. Photoperiod varies from 8-10 hours of MH.

Filtration via macroalgae export, 2/3 cup carbon in polybag changed every 2-3 weeks, soaked 24/7 in sump, ~5 gallons weekly water changes, skimmerless system, DSB in the main tank of only 3"+.

I keep it simple.

Elmo18 said:
27 gals 18x18x21" tall, MAG 7 return through the overflow, Stockman pipe in overflow, return in the top-left side as you're viewing the tank, closed-loop run via an Iwaki MD20rlxt in through a 1.5" drain, output to two 3/4" bulkheads, one on either side of the overflow.

12 gallon food-safe grade bin for sump, 55W 6700Kelvin PC bulb on reverse lighting, Chaeto, Razor, grape caulerpa for export in sump, flat piece of acrylic placed in sump to baffle residual bubbles coming from tank down to sump.

Lighting is 250W SE XM10k run on ARO Electronic ballast, 1x32W 03Actinic on only when MH is off, and only one hour before MH comes on, and one hour after MH goes off. Photoperiod varies from 8-10 hours of MH.

Filtration via macroalgae export, 2/3 cup carbon in polybag changed every 2-3 weeks, soaked 24/7 in sump, ~5 gallons weekly water changes, skimmerless system, DSB in the main tank of only 3"+.

I keep it simple.


sweet, it makes me wanna try a nano with sand and no skimmer(did i say that??) o.k. well.....mabye a little skimmer on for 12 hrs a day:)

do you use sand in your sumps, rubble or just macros?
Ok dood this are the only pictures i could find.



The tank has changed a little but i can't take more pictures because my camera is broken :(
Very cool evertbody i'm gonna try and post my befores and afters i really think its cool too see how much money we've sunk into our reefs since we've started. We may be Broke but our tanks sure can draw a crowd!