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dood is there any time your not online?

yeah when he's in the bathroom dood :lol: :lol: .
Nice tank Da Colts, it seems like you got a puzzle in there too :D, but i bet it works great :) .
how big is your tank?
ohh yeah and Welcome to RF :D .
I thought I'd fire this puppy up again so here's a photo of my new filtration setupfor my new cube. Chances are things will remain the same in here a part from trying to squeeze in a small fuge:)

thats gonna be the cleanest cube ive ever seen.

Thanks Steve...I hope so man. This will be the first tank I ever had with corals. Should make things real interesting:)

you mean the greenanest cube you've ever seen

:confused: Greenest??? Have you been digging in your nose again Gabbs and looking at your finger? :p

whats up with the bottles of NOS? you guys raceing the tanks or something, no j/k what are then Co2? whats the point of c02? it help grows things?

in a little bit ill post my super small sump, you guys have some pritty big stuff going on, i cant wait till i can afford it (bigger tank)

ill post here in a few hours
burning2nd said:

whats up with the bottles of NOS? you guys raceing the tanks or something, no j/k what are then Co2? whats the point of c02? it help grows things?
the co2 is used for a calcium reactor. the carbon dioxide drops the ph to acidic level help to disolve the calcium carbonate (deal coral skeletons or crushed coral) which puts a nice dose of calcium into the tank, thus helping maintain proper ph of 8.3......
ok nikki wheres the link
cooooooooolll, im about to be off to go get my overflow in about 25 min, ill post later today, after i get my sump runing, wish me luck

and pray for my carpet
cooooooooolll, im about to be off to go get my overflow in about 25 min, ill post later today, after i get my sump runing, wish me luck

and pray for my carpet

i recomend you get tons of towels ready to go ...... just in case :D .

whats up with the bottles of NOS? you guys raceing the tanks or something, no j/k what are then Co2? whats the point of c02? it help grows things?

well some people ( I wonder where Luke went) have a cheap method of addin calcium to their tanks and some just use a calcium reactor to maintain their calcium specially if it's an sps tank..... others use (sorry about the spelling :p) kalkwasser (not sure if that's the same thing but i don't think so)and yes calcium helps sps grow and keeps them healthy aside from other things like Alkalinity, ph and all the others(you know those ugly sticks that are corals :p :D ....i wish) .
there's also some people that add 2 dose of calcium ... i don't know to much about but yeah i'm sure someone could tell you more :).