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Well I thought I would bump this up some...

I've been doing a little work with my setup. What started it all was the wife complaining about the chiller fan be to noisy. No matter what I did (taking it apart cleaning etc.) would make it quite. So I convinced her to let me drill a couple hole in the wall and run it out into the garage... And well it is. (Also was able throw in a calc reactor also :))
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Filtration? Mine's all "in the box". All I run is a skimmer. ;)

I don't know if this one has been done yet, but I figured it would be cool for everyone to post pictures of what they use for filtration and say what type of setup they have. I figured it would be a good source of information for new members to help them decide on which way to go with their setup. Also, it would give everyone in general, some ideas on how to improve their own systems. I'll go first... It's for a FO tank (90 gal) with a little bit of LR (about 25lbs)

I recently ugraded to a 100G tank in November. I combined my 55G and 46G bow front to minimize my maintenance time. I acquired a used 100G Acylic tank . The filtration system includes a 1500 GPH overflow. Drilled two 1 1/2" bulk heads and 2 -3/4" bulk heads for the return. The overflow consist of two 1 1/2" PVC pipes flowing into the old filter of the 55 G tank that I wasn't using. The flow dumps into a 30 gal sump that I divied into three compartments.Skimmer section (I am using a Coralvue Reerf Octupus Extreme 160 ); a refugium containing miracle mud, LR and Culerpa; and a return section with a mag-12 return pump The 3/4" return line is split using 3/4" SCWD. Except for the 1 1'2" PVC and flexible piping, most of the hard piping was salvaged from a friend of mine, who got me into this hobby. Attached are photos of the filtration system and tank. My next goal is to increase my coral live stock; looking into a mixed reef. I got a RBTA in July; it spit twice in the 55 G and split again in December. Comments welcomed on the attached photos and suggestions for corals greatly appreciated

I use to love this thread!!!! Here's a bump back to the top for the newbies looking for some ideas and also, some more additions if anyone has some! :)
Oh so glad I saw this post and want to put up photos of mine but wont let me, maybe not enough post yet or something, anyhow why do I not see any exposed fuges, My brother and I built one for my tank and it's killer! always as much fun to look at as the display tank? Anybody esle ever do this?
Oh so glad I saw this post and want to put up photos of mine but wont let me, maybe not enough post yet or something, anyhow why do I not see any exposed fuges, My brother and I built one for my tank and it's killer! always as much fun to look at as the display tank? Anybody esle ever do this?
My stuff it so jammed in that I can even hardly see it. There’s just enough room to slide out the skimmer cup. That’s why I’m working on a new sump system for the tank so Ill have some more pictures soon of what’s going on here. Not very glamorous I know but it is what it is.

First picture is a full shot of my junk.


This is the skimmer and sump compartment.


And this area is actually a smaller container in the larger one. It is where the water from the tank flows into it. it is full with 40lb of very pours lava rock and on top is macros.
