Reef Geek Jedi
I would look at getting that mold out of there, That can be quite a health hazard Oldsalt. But other wise nice system.
Good idea,
In fact, I'm gonna head over to Dummy Depot tomorrow and see if I can also get a vent screen to put in the door to allow the fan to blow moisture out.
well heres my setup its very basic. i just added the skimmer yesterday, i had everything in the wet dry and it was puting massive amounts of bubbles in the tank, so i had to modify. hehe i added the hose and the can for the return pump to the tank and no bubbles. give me some feedback on this, would greatly be appriciated. i was going to add onto the bio filter part, but was kinda scared about having good seals on the sump add decided to go another way.
Wow!!! that outlet just gave me the **** jebe's :eek: ... I had one look like that and I could not sleep for a week until it was fixed... Otherwise nice setup.
well heres my setup its very basic. i just added the skimmer yesterday, i had everything in the wet dry and it was puting massive amounts of bubbles in the tank, so i had to modify. hehe i added the hose and the can for the return pump to the tank and no bubbles. give me some feedback on this, would greatly be appriciated. i was going to add onto the bio filter part, but was kinda scared about having good seals on the sump add decided to go another way.
hehe reefbound i had the same feeling last night every 5 minutes with a flashlight check for leaks, but so far so good. im going to build a larger sump and fill it with water for a week or so make sure it doesnt leak before setting it up with the fish tank to replace all this. just scared of leakes makin my own.
If you look at your picture the wall looks charred. Black soot from the outlet burning, shorting out.
There's some DIY!! What kind of tank setup do you have in terms of livestock??? The reason I ask is because usually everyone ditches the bio-balls because they are nitrate factories and we all know most all corals can't tolerate high levels of nitrates and it also fuels nuicance algae to grow...
krish im starting to think that is part of my problem with the algea bloom, but havnt had a problem untill the last month or so, and tank has been up for almost 3 and a half years. we have a 75 gal tank, with live rock, polyps, green sea stars, several types of mushrooms, zooanthids. and just a hand full of fish. sailfin tang, firefish, 2 clowns, 4 green cromis, mandiran, and a lawnmower blenny. so in your opinion just take out the bio balls from the filter? sorry its gettin kinda off topic if you want i can start another thread, heres so pics of the tank and the algea
omg!!! is that caulerpa??? !!! ... that thing used to be my worst nightmare ... that #$#@%^#5 is horrible ... it takes over.
I'd say get rid of it but if you like it ... i hope it never takes over.
I had bioballs at some point when my tank was a couple months old but then i just switch it to 10 gal tank/sump .
also how much are you feeding your fishes? check where your phosphates are at?
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