Slate's 125gal build

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Right to the rocks for the most part. The failures came from some glue I bought that was just horrible and failed like 2 days later. So I went to the store and got the super glue I usually use. That is what I get for being too lazy to go to the right store lol.
I put mine on a frag plug. =( I must have had cooties. Shane that is really nice of you! You are welcome to come see the tank. =) All of the other frags are doing great. No other problems with the other ones you gave me either Charlie.
The birdsnest is really cool. I put it in my BioCube. It looks like it has blue polyps from where I am sitting. I started everything out in the BioCube. Maybe that was the problem. I don't know. I then transferred the mystery Acro to the big tank after it started to STN on me. Everything else is still in the cube and doing great. They will go to the big tank soon.
Shane, if you want to go to Coral Props with me anyway sometime, you are more than welcome to. I might head up there this week. I got a clam from Henk.

Charlie-Did you get that clam from Kevin?
Right to the rocks for the most part. The failures came from some glue I bought that was just horrible and failed like 2 days later. So I went to the store and got the super glue I usually use. That is what I get for being too lazy to go to the right store lol.

I have never done that, I am always finding some piece of rubble to glue them to first before they go in the tank.

I put mine on a frag plug. =( I must have had cooties. Shane that is really nice of you! You are welcome to come see the tank. =) All of the other frags are doing great. No other problems with the other ones you gave me either Charlie.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I don't know what to say??????

Girl cooties will kill anything....lmao

Not going there.

The birdsnest is really cool. I put it in my BioCube. It looks like it has blue polyps from where I am sitting. I started everything out in the BioCube. Maybe that was the problem. I don't know. I then transferred the mystery Acro to the big tank after it started to STN on me. Everything else is still in the cube and doing great. They will go to the big tank soon.

The birdnest has purple polyps. I will see if I can dig up a good pic for you guys.
Here is the birdsnest:


I think I have pics in my thread in the Montana club forum Gina.
Here are a couple pics of the new Tomini Tang. Both tangs have been all over the place kicking up sand so that coupled with this guy being a little shy didn't make for very good pics.



I also got a picture of my Red Planet frag that you can actually see the frag! lol

Great looking fish, sorry we didn't see it while we were there. Thanks for the corals.
Took some pics tonight. As usual they are with my old 3.5 mega pixel camera so not the best but good enough.


Fire Shrimp


Green Torch
Now, I also tried doing top down pics for the very first time. These are all just first attempts with my same old camera and no top down box.


Green Millie(couldn't get this one to focus)


Red Planet

Monti Cap

Wall Hammer

Branching Hammer

