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I find it funny how these three are actually going to a big trial and all this public publicity when there are many more who have done the same but not been a big deal. I do feel sorry for the familys of the 4 blackwater civilians, i supported there family after that happened. If these soldiers did do what they are accused of then that was wrong of them. We are trying to win the hearts and minds of the people and we cant do that for abussing a detainee.
I want to caveat this. Yes I think it is bull**** that they are getting a Court Martial...HOWEVER...

The did Violate both the LOLW, Which includes Hague and Geneva convention.
They also violated General Order #1
They were also offered an Article 15 punishment (Comanders discretion punishment) also known as Captains mast and refused it.

I just got my Rules of Engagement brief today for Afghanistan and I can tell you that we are approaching the war with a weak disposition and soft touch. More soldiers will pay the price for a political approach to horror.
Yeah they should have just taken the article 15 and been done Now they will prob loose everything which is retarded
Well they say they're not guilty, and until there is a trial they are presumed innocent. Not to mention the guy accusing them is a an Al Queda terrorist and was probably coached to automatically accuse them of abuse and torture if he were to be captured.
I guess we will have to see what the trial brings out.

Akunochi, stay safe over there man.
As of right now...I'm under 20 days from leaving on an advon with 1 other guy and they changed locations on us for the 15th time. Soooooo I don't even know which outpost/Afghani village/etc I'm going to be in, let alone about internet access
Hey right now the Internet is scarce over there not like Iraq but ull have it in Kuwait then from there who knows. A bad thing about advon is you don't get to come back early haha it's ***ness. Also there lousy shots over there dang mud hut people.
I don't trust big Army. Let me clarify I don't trust the politics in big army. At least in my team room if someone pisses you off you fight and whoever gets knocked out loses the argument. LOL
yeah we used to do that back in the day but we would go into the milvan and close the doors and then when its all said and done you were all groovy. But yeah its all good
Bullets only hurt for a little while trust me on that one. But as what things were done. I remember having and being "wall to wall councling". Then after its all done both of you sit down and have a beer and laugh about it.
There was actually a lot that came out about this and other trials. Apparently the Gov't put these guys and other like them on trial to convince the Host nation that we would have resolve to holding our people accountable and that we were in a partnership, but really it was all a front. However in the meantime you have ruined the lives of numerous war veterans. Thanks...we appreciate it, no saccrafice to big and all that. **** YOU~
I salute SEALs Jonathan Keefe, Julio Huertas and Matthew McCabe - and every man and woman who has served this nation in the military - for their honor and courage. If our "leaders" in Washington had half of your integrity, this country would be a much better place.