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The football dude (Gary) will get voted off just cause he is a big guy and a threat at challenges. Plus he is taking the leadership role. Taking the leadership role in Survivor is like naming a fish. Disaster.
I'm a survivor,
I'm gonna make it,
I'm a survivor,
Keep on surviving.
Destiny's Child (LOL)

Well Gary is still in, but I think his lies will catch up with him. He just bought himself a little time. I still haven't quite made up my mind who I want to win yet. I can't even pick a tribe. Anyone got a favorite yet?
No favorite yet, but I'm sick of that Blake guy. Get off your butt and do some work. I thought it was ironic, how sick he was at camp, but when it came to the challenge....he was the big "hero".

I think Gary's screwed. He should have said he was a QB, but then made up a story about a bad injury or something. Play it down. If the tribes merge, and the sports castor is still there, then he's in for real trouble.
I'm a survivor,
I'm gonna make it,
I'm a survivor,
Keep on surviving.
Destiny's Child (LOL)

LOL!!! ohh dood i tell you, right now i imagine you doing your little dance and wearing the destiny's child tiny clothes they used for that song. :lol:

Nikki, i agree with you on this one, i am tired of the Blake and bobby jonh (whatever is his name) they do nothing at their little camp, they act like little girls just cry cry :doubt: and the other girl just let them be.
i do like the big guy with the blue t shirt, he's kewl.
Ohh and Nikki, last night i dreamed you were helping me set up a tank and that you were showing me, your town for some reason :D .
it was a huge tank.
Ohh and Nikki, last night i dreamed you were helping me set up a tank and that you were showing me, your town for some reason

Watch out Nikki...Gabriela's starting to scare me now :shock: JK.
The girls in survivor are really kicking butt this time. Either that or the men are just playing around and acting sick so they can get pampered and relax.
Gabriela - hopefully your dream means you will be getting a new tank! Anytime you are out this way, you are welcome, and I'll show you around! :D

Anyone surprised by the vote last night? I'm glad they decided to get rid of Morgan (was that her name?). I think the other lady is playing herself down, and might turn out to be a good competitor, but she needs to get aligned with someone.

OK - if you were on survivor, what would your strategy be???
Gabriela - hopefully your dream means you will be getting a new tank! Anytime you are out this way, you are welcome, and I'll show you around!

yeah i hope so too Nikki hehe :D and yeah someday i will go visit you :D .
Now about the vote yes i was glad they got rid of that girl too.
hmm now if i was on survivor, hmm that's a tought one Nikki, i don't think i would be good at it, but i would try to win immunity every single time and i wouldn't make deals with anyone i would be more like in the middle just watching my back. :p

same question
I wouldn't have a strategy (LOL) I'd just be me which would probably get me kicked off eventually for being a work-a-holic. I'm a person who likes to do for myself and loves to do for others. I'd probably end up burning out myself trying to make sure everything was in tip top shape all of the time. I could tell you one thing for sure though...They may keep me around just for the fish. Hello!!! I'm from the Bahamas...Everyone from the Bahamas knows how to fish!
hmm well dood if you ever go on the survivor, i would go with you then, so i don't have to starve and yeah i would keep you around until the end since i don't know how to fish hehe.
but then i don't know dood, you would have to help me get the other people voted off :D .
i think it would be fun if there was a survivor reef geeks.
can you imagine having people from here in there.
i think instead of competing they'd be catching fishes for their tanks and what not :D .
A survivor reef geeks! (LOL) What would happen if they had it in the mountains in Russia or something like that? No ocean water there...
I always thought that a cold weather Survivor would be awesome. Probably not for the ratings, though....not enough "skin" showing :rolleyes:.

If I was on survivor, I think my strategy would be to leach onto someone that easily influences others. Then as the numbers dwindled down, I'd be middle ground....provide info for 2 alliances.....then hope to heck I could weasle my way to the end, and pray I helped enough people to win. Or keep winning immunity.
Good strategy Nikki! I still think the best strategy is to be like Amber. No-one saw her as a threat so there was no need to vote her off. You just play it cool, perform average (just enough to get you by) and then BAM!!! You kick some serious butt towards the end and win up all of the immunities!
hmm i agree dood
Amber was a huge thread right from the beginning, her strategy hmm... hooking up with Rob after that, she didn't need to worry about anything because they were a couple and now they are getting married so they'll be richer heheh.
i like how they were on the amazing raze, everyone in the whole world liked them hehehe :D .
hmm now about making a survivor with a cold weather, ohh boy i think it'd be kewl but i would not be able to see to much skin :( :D and i think it'd be way harder for them to survive.
Don't forget that Survivor is on tonight! I think from the preview that there is going to be a twist tonight. Maybe they will mix up some of the members in the tribes.
I'm so pumped its on tonight! The DV-R will be set, just in case. I can't believe none of us talked about last week! I watched a preview and saw that Gary might be called out on the QB thing tonight.
no way Nikki, well he'll probably will sooner or later he'll have to talk about it.
Larry i do think the challenges are a little bit more tough this time.