Sushi's Nano Bow Build [13.3G]

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Jan 27, 2005

I will use this thread to log data and tank updates.
  • costs
  • upgrades
  • inventory
  • images
  • test results
  • future plans
  • thoughts

List of purchases so far:
  • 13.3 gallon Mr. aqua bow
  • Kessil 150w 10k pendant with goose-neck
  • AC70 fuge mod
  • Fluval PC 13w fuge light
  • API Saltwater Test Kit
  • Cobalt 75w heater
  • Koralia Nano 425
  • Mini-Mag
  • Fluval Gravel Cleaner
  • Tahitian Moon 20lb - black (I'm going for a black on black)
  • Hydrometer & thermometer
  • BRS 75 4-stage RO/DI Plus
  • Eheim pump & heater for salt mixing
  • Red Sea Pro Salt
Here is the future home.


Thanks for looking.

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The first step was to convert the normal outlet to a GFCI outlet.

Simple enough.
Purchase Outlet

Turn off breaker

Read Instructions

Lick fingers .... and..... it's done.

And yes, I am aware it's upside down. This is the kind of attention to detail you can come to expect.
Got my tank in yesterday. Great packing. Over packed if anything.
First thing I did was place it on the mantle and throw the kessil over it.


Then I filled it with water

I'm pretty sure I was supposed to leave that filled for a couple days. :ugh:
Painted the back... it's kind of a graphite color. will probably look black.

In between coats drying I finished some modding on my AC70 and my fuge light.
The fuge light bracket needed to be flipped so that the light would run down the back of the AC70. To do this I had to file down the catch on the bracket so I could reverse it. Came out better than expected.

This is how I needed the bracket to go on.

So I filed and filed...


Here is what it'll look like.

I made the mistake of using latex paint to paint the background. After 3 coats it would get cracks and keep producing holes.
Pealed off the paint (really satisfying).
Went to the craft store and got acrylic. Works perfect. So well in fact that I painted the bottom... Just in case.

I also painted the AC70 black except for a small portion of the back where the fuge light will go.

I went to TAP plastics and had them cut me a piece of acrylic to cover my tank.
They wanted another $40 to drill slots in it to keep it cool so I decided to do it myself. Huge PITA. The point its at now should be more than enough plus I'm adding feet to the top to give it a gap.
I'll keep an eye on the heat.

I also picked up some scrap black abs. I figured I'd find something to do with it. Sure enough I decided to make my own corner surface skimmer for my AC70. I really hope it works out.

I got my dremel back from my buddy so I was able to make really good progress on it.

What else?.... I think that's it.

I've made the choice that I will need an RO/DI unit to control my water changes and top offs. I was going to buy the 5 gallon ocean water things from Petco but that is a pain. I also made the choice to get an apex lite and I have a pretty good idea how I'd keep it contained with all the modules while still not an eye sore. Just waiting for the vendor to get back to me before I purchase.
Looks like I'm at least a few weeks out before getting it wet. I don't want to rush this build and I'd like to do it right.

Enough talking... Pics...



Start Small

Are we done yet??!!


It's good enough. It's the flippin top of the tank to keep cats out and fish in.


Doing some measurements with the black ABS.


This little scoring tool was a great purchase. makes cutting acrylic and ABS a breeze.


Painting the bottom


The $2 paint


Black background and AC70 on back and Kessil on the side.


First go at the overflow. (without dremel)


Looked like sh!t.


You can see the overflow in there now. this is the point where I decided I wanted it in the tank and to spend more time on it.


DREMEL!! First thing I did was cut off those bad notches.


Looking better.


Squared up the bottom


I filed down the notches to get the most uniformity I could and make it look as clean as possible.



I may even need to make the notches longer depending on how it sits in the tank. still a work in progress most likely.

To buy list:
Apex Lite
Heater & pump for salt mixing container.
Container to mix salt :)

Thanks for looking.
Got another quick update on a project I started while I wait for more things to be delivered and my bank account to not be empty.

I found some scrap clear acrylic in my garage so I decided to try and make a top down viewing box that I could put my Nexus 5 in and take pics.

Here is what I got done last night.

Personal note: Really enjoying working with acrylic. I think I'll end up making some more things... like an ATO reservoir, maybe a controller box. who knows.

Marked up the size of my phone and added a lil bit on either side to grab it.


It's got some scuffs in it but it'll work.




Rough finished. Not what final will look like haha.


control bubbles. obstructed view of item under water


Box on water unobstructed view of item


Phone in box pic, considering it was only 2-3" from the box I think it turned out rather well.


Waiting on delivery of RO/DI unit, pump, heater and salt.

I really want a Apex, they discontinued the Lite and the full version is $500. I want the full version but I may end up waiting for a used one on the forums or craigslist.

This is where I'm at now. You are now caught up. :)

Thanks for looking.
Looking good, drilling holes for a cover. Been there! Wished I had a drill press after about 3 :)
Alrighty then... still waiting for shipment so I thought I'd jump on something I wanted to try.

The tank sits on the mantle which doesn't allow the tank to stand out much. Put the p***y on a pedestal.


In this case I took a chuck of IKEA counter top I had left over from my desk build and thought I'd see how that looked.
Here is the piece of wood.

It's meant to be a kitchen counter... the wood is very very dense.

I gave it an inch all around to maybe do something fancy on the edges and leave some room for error.

trace it out

Lined up the rough cut with the dremel so it was easier to guide my power saw thingy [technical term].

Got as close as I could with the saw... too close in some spots.

Instagram intermission.

Then I sanded, and sanded, and sanded.... did I mention this wood was dense?

Threw a little teak oil on it to see how it looked el natural.



Can you picture it under my tank on the mantle or do you need a pic of that to give me your opinion?

Thanks for looking. Let me know what you think.
I love it! Good thinking it out and.................LOOOOVED the intemission
Looks good, but maybe put some leg so it and turn it into a stand. Tank might stand out a lot more if it's by itself off the mantle. Plus if you put a door and sides on it you can hide all the ugly junk, like supplies, food, hoses and test kits.
I love it! Good thinking it out and.................LOOOOVED the intemission

Awesome! Thanks for the feedback :)

Looks good, but maybe put some leg so it and turn it into a stand. Tank might stand out a lot more if it's by itself off the mantle. Plus if you put a door and sides on it you can hide all the ugly junk, like supplies, food, hoses and test kits.

I was thinking of doing a drawer under the tank. still trying to figure out how I'll get the bow shape. :) any tips would be appreciated. Thanks for the feedback.
I have no idea how to make the drawer in a bow shape to match. It seems like it would be hard. But I think a flat faced drawer recessed under the bow of the platform would look just fine.
I have no idea how to make the drawer in a bow shape to match. It seems like it would be hard. But I think a flat faced drawer recessed under the bow of the platform would look just fine.
I feel and expensive trip to Lowe's on the forecast today.
You may have to use the same technique used to make the top piece. But do it in sections. Get longer strips of wood cut or power sand a slight angel to each side and glue a couple piece's together. Clamp. Let dry or cure. Then glue the bigger piece's together. But i would imagine that taking a bit of time and room for error

Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk
You may have to use the same technique used to make the top piece. But do it in sections. Get longer strips of wood cut or power sand a slight angel to each side and glue a couple piece's together. Clamp. Let dry or cure. Then glue the bigger piece's together. But i would imagine that taking a bit of time and room for error

Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk

I thought about this. and it was either this or the way I ended up going. Time will tell if I made the right choice.
How about an update and picture dump?

I can not stop DIY'n sh!t!
It might be a problem.

I've never built something like this before so please be kind with your woodworking bashing :)

okay... so I made a nice solid stand for the tank to be raised up higher off the mantle.
Was this good enough... yes... was I satisfied... of course not.

Enter... wood.


My thought process was to make a single drawer under the tank for misc SW ish.

I got some nice solid oak for the frame and just kind of winged it.

First I made the bottom of the drawer.

Bought some new tools in the process. why not right?

So I was looking at the structure.... mulling over the weight and if I would need a center brace for ensure the whole thing would support the tank.

This is me seeing what it would look like with 2 drawers vs 1.


during this process I was working on a make-shift work bench and kept hitting crap with the longer pieces of wood. This has been an ongoing struggle.

By pure chance... maybe it was a sign.... I passed a harbor freight on the way to salwater city... cha-ching$$



Still working out some space issues.

Now, back to the drawers.... finally able to make some progress.


Trying to keep the sides at a right angle.
worked for the most part.


As you can see I kept the bow design to the drawers as well.
Where I'm at now is that the drawers are complete except for the face... which is soaking in the tub. :)

I plan to bend this around the frame to the arch of the drawers, let it dry in that position then cut to create the face. Should work??!.

I'm getting really restless about getting water into the tank. each day I am trying to convince myself to wait for everything then do it proper. I'm sure the roommate is getting sick of all this DIY crap around the place too. :)

Thanks for looking.
Well, so far so good.







Here is the almost completed drawers waiting on the oak face that's being bent.




Oh and got my peg board filled up :)


Made this little blocks that I might use.... just to keep things sturdy... may be overkill.

like so

