Tank turned 41 years old

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I mean I run about 150 GPH down each tube to the UG filters in a 6' long tank.
The tank is 100 gallons
Ok now I know what to feed my burrfish, fiddler crabs. My wife and I spend the night out on the boat and this morning I collected four fiddlers just to test them out. My burrfish devoured all four of them as soon as they hit the water.
We are going out again monday and I will collect a bunch of fiddlers.
Fiddlers are an interesting animal to keep but you need to have the correct home for them. You can't keep them underwater or they croak, you need more land areas than water areas. They just need to take a dip occasionally to wet their gills. I have kept them for years.
But now I will just keep them for burrfish food.
I guess I have to collect more crabs, I will get some on monday if it's low tide but it will be a very short video
Ok I spent $100.00 on boat gas, went to a nice tide pool and collected a bunch of fiddler crabs and now he got tired of them.
Click the picture

ahhh paul u are the man..
that little guy will be food later... tell him he is in for a ruff ride..

and admin im still getting email saying tank turned 38, can we admin this to tank turned 40
For the last three days it has been over 100 degrees here in NY and today is supposed to be 104. I am leaving the lights off in my reef today as I have no chiller. The corals may like it and will just sleep late today. It is 86 degrees here now and it is 7:20 am. :shock:
It looks like another boating day :D
The fiddler crabs are so happy to be in my workshop that they were doing the wild thing.
One of them is loaded with eggs so I can't feed her to my burrfish. Well, I can but I would feel to bad about it. After the eggs hatch, probably in a day or two I will return her to her tide pool.
I will probably get a Christmas card from her later this year.
The babies will live a couple of days then disappear. This happens all the time with fiddler crabs and many animals spawn when their conditions change, even to worse conditions.
I like your pair of watchmen i just got rid of mine which were spawning,had them for a few years. but i have a question do all yellow watchmen turn white because one of mine did but not the other and i though it might have been my fault?

Awesome tank!!!
I have two pairs of spawning "watchmans" The problem is that we call a lot of fish "watchmans" even if they just look like that type of fish. There may be dozens of gobies that look like that and I am sure some of them are white.
This little yellow fellow became the brown guy in the lower picture.


My Daughter will be getting married in a few weeks and my wife wanted me to take out this Hope chest that we have to take out this little hanherchief. It was my Mother's hope chest and she was 99 years old when she died so this wooden chest is about 85 or so. In thosae days, around 1920 or so women needed a dowry to get married. So they had to keep all these clothes and other junk in there to bring to the marriage, I know, stupid. Anyway we keep it in the back of the fish closet so you have to remove absolutely everything in that closet to get to the thing.
When the closet was empty I noticed everything was wet, I figured either the tank was leaking or somerthing was splashing back there.
But it is just from humidity. Today here in NY is is almost 100 degrees and the humidity is about 85%. That means that everything is wet, no matter where it is. The air is just soaked so there is nothing you can do about it. If I turn on the de humidifier today, it will just use electricity, suck out gallon upon gallon of water from the ait but it won't make a dent in the moisture.
I rarely get an opportunity to crawl under the tank to check things out and I was not too happy with what I found. One leg of the galvanized stand is very corroded.
It is soaking wet just from humidity and there is no circulation back there.
Another leg was rusted but I managed to dry it and coat it in epoxy resin but this one is in worse shape. When I get time, and when the humidity is lower, I will also coat this leg in epoxy but I will also install another leg next to the rusted leg. I don't want to remove the bad leg because the tank has been there for decades and I don't want to disturb it.
It lasted long enough so I got my money's worth out of it. ;)
My watchmen looked just like the two white ones in ur pic above but at first both where yellow then just one turned white?Look identical to yours though.
Oh you mean gray, not white. All of mine turned gray as they aged. When they are in spawning condition their blue freckels are very blue and parts of their fins are a beautiful purple/blue
Thanks, but that was a few years ago, they are fine now.
I did some collecting today but just hermit crabs and grass shrimp.

We went to the sand hole which is about 45 minutes from my harbor. Here it is.
There are diamond back terripins there along with loads of hermit crabs, shrimp, horseshoe crabs and tiny fish.


We spent some of the day there but had to leave before low tide or we would be stranded there for 12 hours. It is a beautiful place and the water is clear and warm like the Caribbean. Then we went here to Cold Springs Harbor which is next to it. Some of the wealthiest people in the world live here, not that it does me any good, but I can enjoy their water that they don't own.


Of course I did have to take my inflatable boat to shore and check out the grass flats.
I was loking for mussels and blue claw crabs, to eat of course.
We did have a boat full of clams, calamari, shrimp and squingel

I really don't know, I never met a gobi I didn't like. I like two spot gobies but I can't keep them, I really can't keep small sand sifting gobies because I don't have sand.
In my tank there guys are my favorite. They are no trouble, eat anything, don't jump out like firefish or jawfish and spawn all the time. Their only problem is that when they get old, they rarely come out.

OMG they are all over the place. Little devil snails. See the white spots on the glass, yea I know it's a lousy picture, forget about that and concentrate.
They are on every inch of the rock.
I am going to put up a pot of linguini, I think I have just enough of them for a nice meal. :p
