Tell me if I'm right or wrong

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Am I right or wrong?

  • Yes, you have a right to be angry.

    Votes: 18 85.7%
  • No, you are completely wrong because Eric is God.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You are partially right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Curt, you are always wrong.

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
Yeah Charlie, that's it. The staff restored a backup from the previous night so 99% of the thread is available for viewing if anyone wants to wander through that many posts. Reading a debate vs being in one yourself is definately not as interesting. I received many PM's because it appears that many people have never heard of ammonification. I didn't learn about ammonification on RC so be proud of your community here.

If you've not heard of ammonification either, there's a number of threads here that discuss it. You can put it into the search engine and find some. You can also find some of the discussions in the "Great Threads" forum but it wasn't called ammonification. I'll make this as brief as possible. Instead of Ammonium to Nitrite to Nitrate to harmless Nitrogen gas it's Ammonium to Nitrite to Nitrate and then back to Ammonium.

Basically, no harm-no foul. The information is now back and I applaud the staff of RC for bringing it back.

This is from me to those who know me. I would never want harm to come to RF because it is near and dear to my heart. I was VERY ticked at one Mr. Borneman and I wanted my friends opinions on whether I lost my gourd or not. I've received this feedback from you guys and it is truly appreciated. People who know me well also know that I would never want this thread to become an inter-board attack thread nor a thread that becomes divisive. If you want to post on this thread, I implore you to use the same manners that the above posters have done.
I will respect Mike's(Mojoreef) post and not say what I am thinking, but put plain and simple...RC will never be RF IMO, and I think it has a lot to do with us being more of a tightly knit family of members here where less numbers is our advantage. That's all I will say...RF just rocks and always will!
Sometimes the bigshots have no clue what they're doing.

I don't want to name names, but I have no respect for people who think they are the good guy up there...

- Ilham
let me give you an out side point of view on that thread.

i read it from the start. it was a very fast moving thread, with a lot of great info! but also a lot of bullying and a lot of fanning.

IMO that's what got the thread closed. unless someone has some inside info, a MOD(Anemone)shut it down, I'm getting this from the last post where the MOD(Anemone) said were done.

now besides that does anyone have a problem with someone being ticked off about the possibility of someone having illegally collected, or protected corals with out the proper permits? i would be pissed! and that person would lose a lot of credibility with me. now he may have the proper paper work for them but who knows? but if he doesnt then i hope he gets what he's got coming to him.
I'm not on one side or the other! that's just how i feel about it.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday's, and Peace:)

Just so this thread doesnt go into the unknown. I can tell you from knowing both parties that one party does have permits (grandfathered ) and has had them for decades but doesnt use them. This permit thing has come up a few times when that person was TOTM. The beef goes deeper then the posting on that thread and the threat from one member to the other is VERY ironic! almost laughable.
I think what we have their is a place where it has become impossible to discuss most subjects and it has split into waring factions, which will inhernently take up opposite sides on most all subjects. Not really surprising as that is how that board was born and with that many members and being up that long I guess its the route it took. It has to be a tough board to run.

I love RF, I used to go to RC before I found this place and I got to the point where I couldn't stand reading the threads over there. I don't care how good their info was is or could have to pick through way to much "know it all" for my tastes. Once again just a good reason to stay rirght here :D
I'm behind you all the way Curt, there was more trouble with Borneman, than just that thread. In the end, it wasn't just Borneman either, Behind the scenes alliances were at work. The sad thing is that Anthony Calfo got caught in the middle.

There are a lot of of very good people at both forums, especially including Curt. Let's all enjoy the new year and "brighter days".

Happy Reef Keeping > Wave98 :)
Heck Curt I hadnt said a word about it, and the owner of the local fish store brought it up. He asked me if I knew who inwall75 was, I said yeah, and he said he seems to have it figured out. LOL
I certainly don't have it all figured out yet. Nor do I want to because the more I know, the uglier it gets. I think that Mike said it best.
I think in this case its a little deeper then it appears on the surface (even though the surface is pretty bad).

I can't tell you how much I wish that I was at a client's office that day or asleep that day, or throwing up, or being run over, or being eaten alive by flesh-eating bacteria, etc., etc., and so on. In short, I participated in a thread. This thread was deleted (not moved to the mod was completely deleted) by Eric. I asked why this happened and/or was allowed. Eric quit before answering my question and many other people's questions. That's basically where we are at today.

This thread has great potential to go downhill rather quickly. Because I started this thread, I would feel horrible if it did. It would be my fault. I hope that people will keep on topic if they want to post and follow typical RF standards if they want to post. Please use the posters above as an example of how to post.

The thread is not titled, "What is wrong with XYZ". It is titled, "Tell Me if I'm Right or Wrong". I don't normally have extreme emotions when it comes to this hobby. However, an extreme emotion was triggered in this situation and I went to my friends to see if I was wrong or right. For those who've responded, I thank you for your input.
No I am not trying to run down R.C. I know there are extremely intelligent people there. I just like the way this place is much better. I dont think what happened was fair at all.