RF Membership Drive Contest

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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:bump2:Last Day, do you think we can set a goal for 5 new members today? :horn:
I think for the first contest in a long while, even though we didn't smoke the board as we wished :drum: I think it was a great start! I hope that we can use this contest to build on and give more.:cheer2:
It is a pleasure to see people here participating and becoming a part of RF!:gh:
referred by faciosity. I am the babysitter, so I get to stare at the tank all day with lizzy! Great place to learn more about it. good luck Ben!
referred by faciosity. I am the babysitter, so I get to stare at the tank all day with lizzy! Great place to learn more about it. good luck Ben!

Hi Grandma! Thanks for coming on here. If you ever want a tank of your own, this is a great place to start!
Referred by faciosity. So this is where you learned how to keep a healthy tank?
All right, people are really pullin' through for me to get a new clam! Let's get the whole family on here since you guys stare at my tank almost as much as I do! Yes, this is where I got a vast amount of help and information on my saltwater journey.
Ha ha, I have thousands of reefkeeping friends all over the world! All of my referrals are legit and have tanks too!
I'm not saying they weren't, I just don't know how you can motivate them. I have a buddy that started saltwater almost a year ago, and keeps telling me he will get on here but still hasn't. I have about a dozen more people that said they were going to get on here but havn't.
It took me until yesterday just to get my own girlfriend on here, and she constantly tends to the tank.
Just a few hours left! :D

Just to fill you guys in, this membership drive was to get new people here to the site whether they have a tank or not. By you guys just getting them to sign up which will cause them to look around a bit, they may become interested in the hobby and dive in themselves. Originally, I was going to put a rule in that ALL new members had to have a unique ip address from the person that referred them because we know some people can be sneaky and create alternate accounts to get the referral points, but as Mojo put it (which I agree with) is you guys are a great bunch here and we didn't want to make you'll feel like we didn't trust you'll so we dropped the idea. We could have taken it so far as to say you have to get the referral and the new member has to make 5 valid posts, but it's not about that. It's about getting people here to RF, us getting our name out there and potentially getting new people interested/involved into the hobby. If Ben gets grandma to sign up then good for him for making the effort to have her sign up here. All we need is the effort on your parts to make RF grow. You guys have all done well and we appreciate your efforts. Thanks again everyone that attempted to get new members here. :)
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