thatguys 120g build.

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okay so my corals are going through a color change after the blast of UV my whamine watermelon zoas are turning blue/purple center with the green skirts. my acro that was blue green is now turning pink. some other palys are changing and some corals are just browning out. i think the brown out is due to the whole switching the lights to plasma.

2 questions
will they brown outs color back up?
after the corals changed colors will they change back?


You might want to start a new thread on this one to get the necessary views and replies. Some contributing members here hardly visit any member showcase forums so you will be missing out on some of the feedback from people like that for starters. Just a thought. I have no idea what the answer is to your question, but hopefully someone else will :)
air injection....this method was taught to me when i first started reefing from a guy who had nothing but sps in his tank. when i saw his tank i asked him how do you keep it so pristine....and with a flip of the switch i saw how. he said it was like the waves crashing on a reef crest.

YouTube - air injection
Justin, can you explain how air injection makes the water pristine? what kinda pumps are you using to push that much water?
That’s a really cool idea. I have wondered about something like that my self for cleaning the rock. I may try and do something like that. Since its only every few hours for a short time I see this lifting debris and waist out of the tank and allowing the skimmer to do its job. Interesting.
all i did was put an air pump on the intake side of my return pump (dart) just think about it how skimmers work the air bubbles attach to free floating waste. works the same in the tank all the air bubbles attach free floating waste as well as when the bubbles pass over the corals promote slimming to aid in coral waste expulsion. i have done this for the past few years and love the results.
In my messing around with skimmers I’ve found that they don’t like to have air forced into them. They don’t do as well. Maybe an air pump works better for the type of pump that you have but do you think that attaching an air line to the quiet one hose intake like the skimmer pump, and a electric valve on the line to a timer would do a similar job.
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erik- i was using the skimmer as an example, im not injecting air into my skimmer that pulls air in. i was using the skimmer and how it works as the the theory. this will work with a quiet one pump no electronic valves invoved.

all i did was take a simple air pump attached an airline tube cut a small hole in my intake screen for my return pump (reeflo dart) because its external. if it was internal like i did with my mag drive pumps all i did was use an air stone and placed that in front of the return intake. turn air pump on and the impeller chops up the air bubbles into tiny air bubbles and thats what you get a "skimmer effect" this is a very simple addition no need for fancy electronic valves and what nots.
What I was referring to was allowing the pump to draw in the air like a skimmer does instead of using an air pump to force air into the pump intake. Are you using to air pump to regulate the air injections or because the pump style your using, it cant be modified like a skimmer pump? So What I’m asking is, is there a difference or need for the air pump compared to using a electrical valve to allow air to be pulled into the return pump? Pumping the air in vs. allowing the air to be drawn in.
I believe that if you were to add a venturi style fitting with an air valve would be cheaper then buying a solenoid. Yes you would have to manually cut it over to get the result you want but then you wouldn't have an inadvertent valve stuck cause the pump to stop working and end up with water all over your floor. Just my opinion. But I am sure that it would work as you are suggesting.
With the airpump you have control of how long it is on and when it comes on. So if you have it on for about 5 minutes when the timer kicks it off it would allow for the pump to return instead of being stuck in an open position constantly.
I too have done this....I used to run a canister filter on my tank and would shake it a couple times a day to get air bubbles pumping into my tank....I had excellent results with this. I don't really know why I was doing it other than the whole waves crashing theory. But it seemed to work. At least now I know the benefits.
Are there any Cons to this method? (ie, adding too much oxygen in the tank, etc??)
I haven't noticed any....I did notice that when my anemone had moved up top of my rocks it would close while the air was pumping in....but would open almost immediately after it was done.