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have a full tank shot of your 75 For Charlie

Yep just salt & Rodi;)

charlie said:
Jeff, do you have a full tank shot of your 75? I was just reading your other post in Krish's thread, and was wondering how big some of your corals are. The reason I ask is because I am getting to the point in my tank where it is getting real touhg to keep up with the calcium demand. I am "shoveling" the CaCl2 in, and can barely keep up. Just curious.

Ok Charlie First shot is the hole thing ( Crappy Kodak)
Next 4 are starting left working to the right..
Ok Gabby time for you to get some Orange Montipora Like Charlie said It grows!
This guy of mine was a 2" circle 14 months ago:)
Sea horses Hippocampus reidi

Sea horses Who is ready to see! Both I have been told are Girls. The Male is coming in Tuesday:)


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wwouu Jeff, i love your tanks !!
Seriously you got some beautiful corals and fishes.
that Orange monti is just to gorgeous :) .
I think that i will give it a try even though i'm scared.
The Coral Ed gave you is really pretty.
Boy! You really got trigger happy with that camera!(LOL) All of your tanks look great man...Those sea-horses are so cool:)
Having fun!

Thanks Gabby good luck On your frags. You wont have any trouble just do water changes about 7-10 days apart. Yea the Coral Ed gave me is just the tip of the forest He has spoiled me rotten with frags He is the Man!

Krish I want to see your nano filled up with some coral!

Charlie The 29 gallon tank is seeing about 370 GPH which I believe is a little to hard and too much for these guys they don't seem to be very happy a couple of times I have shut the pump down to adjust the spray Bar and when I do they seem to get more aggressive with swimming around the Tank. I think I am going to Install a smaller pump and drop it to about 300 gph.
As for feeding Rick Berg ( Rico ) set up a 1/2 clam shell for a feed trough for his sea horses and I tried the same thing I took one of them about 6 hours today to find it I hope she shows the other one. As for the amount I have put in one Teaspoon full ( Frozen Mysis with garlic and selcon soaked ) and there is still a little left.
Krish I want to see your nano filled up with some coral!

LOL...If that's a nano, I don't want to pay for a real tank!(LOL) Check out my new thread in the water fountain to see what I mean:lol:
Didn't make it

The male sea horse wasn't shipped. The people had shipped a bunch of females and no males. So maybe this weekend we will get a male sea horse...I found this to Make the trip home Worth while This is a pom pom crab. It is maybe 1/2 inch big. We just got him. So he is still in the bag, so the picture isn't to good. But if you look at his front pincher's, he has what looks like pom poms. They are actually sea anemone. He clips them off and put them in his front pincher's and when anything comes near him that he thinks is his enemy, he will wave those pom poms as his defense. I hope he will make a fine janitor:) Also My Shrimp Gobies are starting to come out way more they are all of a sudden more brave:oops:
ohh dood that sucks :( ... a bunch of females without a male is like butter without the toast :D .
When i first looked at the picture it looked like a frog :p , until i kept reading.
i really like your fishes and nice zoos by the way .
Zoos like My PC lighting!

Thanks Gabby that little Crab is quite the entertainer He will use his anomie's
to pick up food just little sponges. And my zoo's Just seem to love the PC lighting This nano stuff is fun:D

spongebob lover said:
ohh dood that sucks :( ... a bunch of females without a male is like butter without the toast :D .
When i first looked at the picture it looked like a frog :p , until i kept reading.
i really like your fishes and nice zoos by the way .
great shots. What lights do you have over your 150? It really brings out the bright blues and greens. Also love the tangs, could you list them all?
That's a really neat crab Jeff! I've never seen one of those before. Looks like a cool DIY project with a crab and some anemones:p
Looks like a cool DIY project with a crab and some anemones

a DIY on a crab?? dood i didn't know you were into genetics :lol: ... just make sure the crab is completely as sleep or you'll be having some pain :lol:
Re:What lights do you have over your 150?

Thanks BC I have a custom PFO fixture I bought from Kevinpo when I set the tank Up It has 3 each 250 metal Halide Mogul Base Bulbs on 2 diffrent HQI PFO Ballest I run the center bulb a little longer during the day to give a Little extra to the tank The Fixture also has 2 ea 72" Vho Bulbs Rated at 160 watts each. Iam really happy with the entire PFO system and recomend it to anyone just getting into a Reef Tank I have had manny time when My Tangs After going air born have been stoped by the UV glass sheild.

Tang's: Begging forgivness now.
Powder Blue Tang ( Acanthurus leucosternon ) about 4-5"
Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) about 5-6"
Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma scopas) about 4-5"
Lieutenant Tang (Acanthurus tennenti) about 6-7"
Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) It is my Hog at over 8"

In my 75 gallon Tank I have a
Blue Caribbean Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus) About 6-7"

Kind of have a Tang fettish :oops:

bc_slc said:
great shots. What lights do you have over your 150? It really brings out the bright blues and greens. Also love the tangs, could you list them all?
super small Now called Mr Dink!

So small He is hard to keep track in my nano Tank.I have been target feeding him.

krish75 said:
That's a really neat crab Jeff! I've never seen one of those before. Looks like a cool DIY project with a crab and some anemones:p

Gabby I do! IT is the biggest tang I have

Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) It is my Hog at over 8"

spongebob lover said:
wwouu dood you're tangilisious :D .
how come no Dori? everyone likes Dori .