spongebob lover
flea whisperer
LMBO!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: ... well dood i know them as hippo tangs and hepatus or blue didn't give me the hint and i was being lazy about going back :lol:
The Apprentice said:Thanks BC I have a custom PFO fixture I bought from Kevinpo when I set the tank Up It has 3 each 250 metal Halide Mogul Base Bulbs on 2 diffrent HQI PFO Ballest I run the center bulb a little longer during the day to give a Little extra to the tank The Fixture also has 2 ea 72" Vho Bulbs Rated at 160 watts each. Iam really happy with the entire PFO system and recomend it to anyone just getting into a Reef Tank I have had manny time when My Tangs After going air born have been stoped by the UV glass sheild.
Tang's: Begging forgivness now.
Powder Blue Tang ( Acanthurus leucosternon ) about 4-5"
Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) about 5-6"
Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma scopas) about 4-5"
Lieutenant Tang (Acanthurus tennenti) about 6-7"
Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) It is my Hog at over 8"
In my 75 gallon Tank I have a
Blue Caribbean Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus) About 6-7"
Kind of have a Tang fettish
zulreef said:Jeff,
I am interested in your tangs. Do they fight with Tenneti Tang, Purple Tang, Scopas and Blue Tang? My Clown and Sohal are sold, because the Clown Tang would fight with Ocean Tang and Sohal would fight with Tennetti Tang and Lopezi Tang.
The Apprentice said:Hi Zul I have been very Lucky with my Tang's The Tenneti was added last and no one has given him much grief The Most trouble I had was when I added My Scopus Tang My Purple Tang was so mean to Him I Put up a temporary wall with egg crate to separate them for a Month till they stopped fighting through the egg crate then I pulled it out and they were OK buddies.
Have you removed your Clown Tang & the Sohal??? They are extremely Territorial! And I have read many accounts of these 2 tangs being really Mean to all other tangs and fighting each other really badly.
How many Tangs do you have in your tang Currently?
zulreef said:Here my list.
Tennetti tang 9"
Lopezi tang 8"
Orange shoulder tang 7"
Ocean tang 5"
Blue eyed tang 4"
Sohal tang 4" Sold
Dussemmeri tang 4"
Clown tang 4" Sold
Mimic tang 4"
11 fishes other
Elmo18 said:I like what you have going on there Jeff.
charlie said:Nice stuff Jeff, how are your wrasses doing. I really wish I had some of them, I tried, but they didn't make the trip real well.
Ok Krish lets get that 75 of yours filled!
LOL...The chiller should be delivered today in Florida which means I should have it tomorrow...You guys are pushing me for these corals, but when I start putting them in, you guys are going to hate me
there's no such a thing as ugly coral .
So get them boy !!!!
meant the opposite Gabby...You guys will hate me because of what I can get
ohh i feel like i just got burneddd !!! .
Naw...That's what I will get while I am out snorkling