The last episode of TANKED!

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ya i dont think all that coral should have been placed in the tank right away!!!!
Watever...guess thats wat u get. U pay the money and tell em wat u want, they deliver wether its good for the animals or not!
Sry for the spoiler alert!
That bed tank they did for the little boy made my wife cry. You gotta admit some of the stuff is cool.

Don- The bed tank was really cool.

Everyone else- Look I am getting bored as all hell with the they are torturing the animals routine. I talk to the guys down at ERI pretty regularly and they seem to agree that the ATM guys are not morons. Has anyone stopped to think that perhaps during the multiple weeks of the tank build or perhaps as a regular thing they have live rock curing? I mean it appears to me they also have a retail reef store or it is one hell of a QT facility they work in throughout the show. Not to mention none of those coral (Except maybe one or two) are very sensitive so they should be able to survive a mini cycle.

I'm going to hope that when you have made a successful business selling custom items and stocking them as well as maintenance on the system you are smart enough to understand a nitrogen cycle.
I missed it again. Yeah, they build some pretty cool tanks.
And yes, they dont build these overnight and stock them that fast either. It takes a lot more time planning and building the system than it appears that is does on the show. They probably have a ton of cycled rock and have it ready and stocked so they are basically doing a move from one tank to another. There wont be an ammonia spike and regular maintenance will keep it from doing so if it is a little over stocked to start.
Yeah my guess is they have to make it interesting for reality TV, watching live rock cure or a tank to cycle isn't all that exciting to sane people. :D

I saw a preview for the next show and it seems that they're building one as part of a skate ramp... not sure how well that will work with acrylic.
Well I will let you guys know. If you haven't been to their facility. Wow is all I have to say. I use to live like a half mile from there shop in vegas, and it was huge. The front end part of it was were they housed their coral and fish was easily 10000 sq feet. Their display tanks are fresh and saltwater and they are in the ball park of 1000 gallon and up. So I imagine the behind the scenes There is probably a lot more storage of water rock quarantine and much more. This was like 6 years ago and I still talk about ATM. I even tried getting a job there as former to make the tanks. But there is alot of behind the scenes we dont see.
Mr. Saltwater Tank did an interview with Brett (one of the co-owners). You can view it here. I found it interesting to hear his take on the show and the hobby.
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Great interview. I just sent him an email asking about the products mentioned in the interview. He is 100% right with his points in the interview. It is a show and they are show tanks not hobbyist tanks.
LOL now that is funny, I spent a good hour or so with this fellow at macna (where this interview took place) and Brett had somewhat of a different stance on the education aspect and wanted not to look like an idiot with his methods then he is showing in this interview. I don want to get into what was said (as it was a private conversation) but it was very different then that, lol

Im all for the show as i watch is a reality show so u prob dont see all that goes on! Just saying it looked to me like they just threw all that coral in after setting up! I didnt think u could do that even with softies and leathers and such!
Glad to finally see a reef tank on the show though and not just a fish only tank!
I met mr.saltwater at seamax...kinda wierd though lol after watching his blogs and than seeing him in person! Hes a skinny mofo...kinda like me but im not as tall LOL
grow up TANKED, fish and corals ARE NOT a disposable commodity,
and weather purposefully or not, that is what you promote.
just more fodder for bloated sheeple yuppies to consume, not proper stewartship for the ocean's creatures.
dont you dare tell me that you guys are "professionals"...
Wonders if that bed tank built for the little boy will have the bottom acrylic panel sink into the bottom view hole over time?
it's true guys just t.v good or bad. behinds scenes like i said b4 just about rating thats it..and think if u made 70% on your tanks installed ..u would just say o.k and smile its the job..bottom line is the dollar not the product..I think they generally to see tanks prosper....they didnt get into it for love and purpose but MONEY much like our great skimmer companys out.....